Your outfit is the first impression

Your outfit is the first impression. I have been very vocal lately about my opinion about booty shorts, about “stripper” looking clothing, and how it does not go together with marry me and hire me for important office work messages! In 2022 we can see how OF and Instagram models star to see consequences of their actions: they cannot find a serious partner, their kids hate them or friends bully them for what their mom do and how she acts.

This blog article is to make you analyze and think a little bit. Lately, I see that clothing and fashion perception goes the wrong direction when women believe that it does not reflect who they are! However, I think it directly links to who you are, at least that day that you wear it! I even found actual studies that prove it! Therefore, be sure you wear clothing that reflects you and wears clothes that tell people who you are! 

Your outfit is the first impression

However, this article is made to create dialogue and not take it too seriously. That clothing cannot give 100% reality about the person! It provides some insight into the wearer and the first impression, and we all know that first impression is significant! 

What clothing tells you about yourself?

Clothing is the first impression of yourself and, many times, the last one. Happy about it or not, that is the truth! 

You are what you wear

Firstly, the clothing you wear call tells people about your religious beliefs, the culture and climate you are in, and even your values or personality. Secondly, are you more conservative, or maybe you like to dress bold and crazy? Finally, do you want to show off your body and get attention? It is an all-important question that you should think about when you dress for an interview, for a date, or visiting your granny.



There is a reason why in a lot of important life events and occurrences, we must follow a dress code! Imagine showing up to a wedding in a bralette. Or going to your first job interview in booty shorts (well, I guess it depends on what kind of interview that is). I would say that clothing is the silent mirror of yourself! 

Imagine one person in a suit and another one in a T-shirt and khaki shorts. Each of them is going to give you different information about themselves. Let’s say you go on a date to a fancy restaurant, and the guy shows up in a Hawaii shirt and colourful shorts. 

“Clothing is the silent mirror of yourself”

Clothes are talking to you?!

On Forbes, I read about the study from Northwestern University. The study examined a concept called “enclothed cognition.” In the report, researchers defined the influence that clothes have on the wearer’s psychology. That means clothes tell things to you, not about you! As well as how clothing makes you feel! 

Can clothing tell a lot about the personality?

One of the tests researchers did for distributing standard white lab coats to participants. Some of them told it is a doctor’s coat but to others- a painter’s smock! All participants performed the same task, but those who wore “doctor’s coats” were more attentive. That means their actions were influenced by what they wear. 

This exciting test and results made me think about the clothing we usually wear. When I wear activewear, I want to do more sports and be more active! Girls that wear very revealing clothing are many times away more flirty and seeking attention! The suit can make us feel more important and serious! However, dressing up, in general, makes me feel more confident and happy. 

Dress how you want to feel and what message you want to give others! Clothes make the man or others perception of the man! 

“Clothes make the man or others perception of the man”

Use colours!

We have found out that clothing tells things about you and the people around you! Clothing can speak even louder when you use colours! What colours do you usually wear? I found a great chart that shows which colours reflect what personality and vibe. 

What colours to use in your clothing for personality?

Fashion and clothing styles

In the fashion world, there are many different fashion styles. Which one are you? Your class can be a mismatch between many styles or depends on the day! However, there are usually some that describe yourself! 


What are the fashion styles in the world?

Do you love to wear activewear, leggings, and sports bras every day, even if you chill on the couch? Then most likely, you are more on the sporty side! 


feminine fashion style for women. You are what you wear!

Girls that love feminine vibes- ruffles, lace, flowers, bows, and wearing skirt or dress, in general, has feminine style. Who loves to mismatch feminine with sporty or casual style?


Does your clothes define you? You are what you wear

That one chick who is always on point and styling up the most exciting outfits! It is a girl that is still on trend and with the latest launches ( I wish but not there yet)! 


Does clothing reflect personality?

Boss girls’ vibes like pumps, blazers, and black sunglasses. That is right; this is the style of all the career boss girl women out there! 

Maybe this is the right time to let you know I have a new channel where I will only share boss girl vibes, be productive, Youtube, and blogging secrets. Subscribe to my Youtube channel HERE! 


How does fashion express personality?

Have we reached the casual girls- t-shirt and jeans? Why not! I like to feel comfortable and cosy. However, I always want to have some accent in my outfit. Therefore, I love to combine casual with either classy, trendy, or feminine. 


What symbolises clothing and what it tells about you? You are what you wear

Well, we have reached the always mini skirts, bralettes, and booty shorts kind of vibes! Club looks- why not? Seeking attention, why not as long as you know what to expect and are ready for that type of attention?


What clothes reveal about myself?

Dreamer girls are best friends! Bohemian girls usually choose khaki dresses, cute skirts, and dresses styled up with sandals. Therefore, the style is more chilled, has natural colours, and is very close to the Earth. 

You are what you wear by Dr. Baumgartner

Finally, I saw the table created by Dr Baumgartner that shares some of the most common wardrobe and perception problems. Do you recognize yourself in any of these below? 

D. Baumgartner table

If you …You might …Consider:
Keep every piece of clothing you’ve ever ownedBe clinging to the past through the sentimental value of your piecesAdopting the Golden Wardrobe Ratio: Get rid of 2 out of 3 items you own, including anything too big/small, ripped/torn or outdated.
Wear only neutrals, largely devoid of accessoriesBe stuck in a psychological rut, too comfortable to shake it up, or too afraid to draw attention to yourself.Deviating from your routine in small ways (a different route to work, a few new spring accessories to jog your brain into feeling excited
Dress in clothing too large for your bodySee your body differently than others see it, or as a reflection of the way it once was.Bringing an honest friend shopping to find out what looks great on you, ignoring sizes and getting used to wearing clothes that really fit.
Have been told you’re dressed inappropriately or too sexyConsider the same outfit appropriate for every occasion (i.e. clubbing and family barbecue), or be looking for the wrong kind of attention.Consider the image you want to project in given situations (at work, on the town) and choose outfits based on cues from those around you
Dress too young (or too old) for your ageBe trying to express the age you feel you are, but getting caught between your actual and internal ageGearing your outfits toward your goals (promotion, dating, traveling the world), rather than a specific age.
Are always in work clothesValue yourself primarily through your work and work-related accomplishmentsRecognizing your talents outside of work (great artist, compassionate, fun, etc.)
Covered in designer logosThink you need to broadcast wealth in order to be treated well by othersPractice wearing “blank canvas” pieces and only accenting with logos to emphasize that people value you for more than your labels
Live in your “mom outfit” of jeans and a hoodiePut the needs of your family before your ownTake more “me time.” Remember: When mom isn’t happy, nobody is.

I love writing articles that help me see fashion differently and learn new things! Whenever I write my fashion articles, I try to help people learn new perceptions and have their own raw opinion about fashion and clothing. 

Being yourself, having an opinion different from the mass is the new trend! So, are You are what you wear? Comment down below your thoughts, and do not forget to follow and share! 

To continue the discussion, read about five style tips to feel yourself!

If you are attending a wedding this year, read the article on choosing the right wedding guest dress!

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