Some months ago I wrote an article of ideas on what to do on sunny summer days and I hope that you liked it. A week ago I came to Latvia to visit my country and even though it is a beautiful summer, it still rains more than in Spain (especially when closer to autumn). That is why to my mind came the idea of writing an article of ideas about what to do on rainy days. I know that there are countries like England where rains a lot and in early Autumn this article might help someone not to die of boredom. Which ones are your favorite activities for rainy and cold days?
Start a hobby

Autumn and cold weather season is perfect to start something new and exciting- something that makes you happy and is great for spirit and mind. It is also a festive season, so you can shoot two rabbits in one (even of how I would love rabbits and hate this saying). Start crafting, knitting or sewing and at the same time, you will have some gifts made from the heart for your loved ones for Christmas. Isn’t that a great idea of how to spend your evenings?
Start an online business

As I started to talk about hobby and crafting, I needed to add- start an online business! Online businesses are very popular now, BUT it is not a reason to start an online business. Start it only if: A.- you need it (no work, money or hate your job); B.- want it (you have big desire and excitement) or C.- have a great idea and you are good at it. It is better if all three options are for you. Remember that start business only if you want it and if you like it! I have too many people writing to me being curious about blogging and only for the idea to get free products- it is not how it works! An online business takes time and patience and if the only reason is money- you will fail! But if you are dedicated, have found your niche and love what you are doing (maybe the same crafting or sewing clothes, etc.) then go ahead because cold autumn and winter evenings are great for starting something new and revalue your life.
Do undone things you had no time in summer
Summers usually are for trips, vacations, visit people, festivals and running around the world; or about work- if you work in the tourism sector for example. In both cases, no one thinks as much about undone things around the house. At least for me, I have noticed that I do the best and biggest cleaning and organizing in Autumn when everything calms down, I am more at home and can organize my closet or house with a clear mind. If something needs to be fixed, bought or done- the same.
Visit friends and family (or invite them over)
Even though summers usually are for meeting people and going out, everyone still has plans and I have noticed that many friends already have festivals and travel plans and it is still difficult to meet during summer. Feeling like I needed to book his/her time months ahead! What better occasion to meet friends than rainy and cold weather. Invite them over or visit them and take some points of this list as an idea for the evening. Do not forget about wine or beer (or coffee) for a tastier meet-up!

Table games
I love table games! But I do not remember the last time I played them, especially in summer- that is right! In summers we go swimming or playing sports games outdoor. On rainy days it is a fun way to entertain yourself and a great reason to gather family or friends together. What I love the most about table games is the fact that there are so many different ones which you can choose from- monopoly, intelligent trivia games, adventure games like Katana or just simple card games.
Read a book

I have always loved books. I know that not everyone is a book person. I am not a crazy book person and not addicted to them as some are but I love a good book. It is the same about books as it is about table games- there is one for everyone! Since I started my blog I love books about small businesses or successful stories- kind of like inspirational books. If you are more about detectives, romance, adventures, history or even horror- you are going to find one for you! If you think you are not a book person and you hate them- give them an opportunity! I have noticed that usually people who hate books, hate them because of school (when they force you to read boring books and quantity of them) or because their parents did not show how wonderful a book can be! So start now and you may change your thoughts about books and because of that, you can change the way your children/ future children think about books as well.
I put in the list puzzle, even though I know that puzzle is such an individual thing but I love puzzle so I had no other choice. I can get very addicted to puzzles of 1000 or more pieces. I think every city should have a puzzle club where you can exchange with them (they are pretty expensive and usually once it is done, it is forgotten).
Start a diary or blog

If you love to write (just as I do), then this is your chance. It is not the time anymore when writing diaries or expressing your thoughts and opinions or dreams were only for children or teenage girls. Now there are online diaries, blogs and even video diaries all over the internet and Youtube. If you love to write (or maybe film videos) you can start it as a hobby and then see what happens (maybe this is going to be your online business?!). The best thing about a blog is- there are no rules as much as you like it, write about anything you want and any time you want.
Pampering days (skincare and beauty)
Everyone should take care of their skin and face any time (also in sunny summer days) but let’s be real- who has time for that every single day. That is why pampering days once a week are a great idea. Take your friends or even boyfriend and do it together- it is fun! Do selfies with your crazy and funny masks on and have some fun! You can even turn it into a romantic evening with a bath tube, candles, and champagne. Use your imagination and make a tradition out of it!

Here we are with my favorite hobby (sadly it is a very pricey hobby that I cannot afford). Shopping is great with all kinds of weather but if it is rainy or cold I especially love to go to these huge malls with restaurants and cinema in it. Invite friends or go alone and enjoy day or evening shopping, trying on clothes (you do not even have to buy anything if you do not want to) and treat yourself with some nice meal or drink- celebrate your purchases.
Do indoor activities (gym, swim, zumba)

If sunny times and summers we move constantly without even realizing (a lot of walks around cities or beaches, traveling, bicycles, swimming or working in the garden), then on rainy and cold days we are more stick inside and to our screens. I suggest you buy monthly gym visits or any activity (like Zumba), that way you will be forced to move more and will know that at least twice a week you are being active and healthy. It is very important to especially in winter or autumn stay active.
Binge watch movies or series

I feel like watch movies or series is the usual one which no one needs to set reminder on. That is why I wrote this point as the last. Make great movie evenings with your partner or friends, do snacks, make popcorn and your drinks- and let’s start. We are right now addicted to Lucifer on Netflix, and before we watched Marco Polo and I also like stranger things- so just choose yours! If you prefer the cinema, I advise to watch Lion King (I heard that even men shred some tear during the movie). I have not watched it yet but I hope to one day.
Discussion. What you love to do the most in rainy/ cold days?