Best creative summer activities to do when bored! I am in love with the late spring and summer time. I feel like a bear crawling out of my winter cave and finally ready to reach my dreams, see the world and meet people after cold and sleepy winter. Do you feel the same? I decided to inspire you this summer to reach the maximum: go out, see the world and meet people!
That is why I decided to write down my favourite activities and places I love to do/ see in sunny and warm/ hot summer days! If you will like it, I will do one about the ideas what to do in rainy days! Get yourself a coffee (or wine) and get inspired.
1. Travel to new places
Travelling has always been my number one hobby. If you read my blog, then you have read all my travel adventures. I try and love to travel to different places all year round, but summer is the one where I intend to travel the most. If not to other countries, then at least within the borders of Spain. Spain is huge and there is a lot to see, so I do not mind travelling around the country. Sometimes I and my boyfriend go to France, Portugal and Andorra.

I know travelling is not for everyone and some people do not like to travel, but trust me, it gives another point of view to the world, and people and can learn a lot from those experiences.
I have learned a lot from every place I have visited. My belief is that there are no ugly countries, in each, you can find something beautiful and exciting.
2. Have a drink in terrace out in the city/ beach
What is better than a cold beer, wine or colourful cocktail on a hot, summer day in a bar on a Spanish beach or terrace in the city? One of my favourite things to do with my friends or boyfriend over lovely talks and laughs.

I love the summer terrace and cold drink moment which gives me a reason to wear a nice dress and heels. With one glass it is more than enough. But nothing can be better than a colourful, iced cocktail wearing a hot dress in hot weather. Try it!
3. Camping
Before you say that camping can be under the “travel” category. I see camping as completely another experience. It can be as part of travel where camping is just where to sleep at night as a hotel. But when you do Camping- camping is an activity and adventure then it is completely another experience.
We will go camping soon and I cannot wait for it! Usually, we spend 3-4 days in camping Spain or France. Also, my love for camping started when I was little and travelled around Europe with my family and now my family owns camping in Latvia.

When we go to camping, we build our tent, explore around, usually there are different sport possibilities in camping, restaurant or bar and cafe. In South of Europe also swimming pool. Campings are so much fun. I am from those persons who enjoy 4-5 star hotels with a view over sea as well as camping, sleeping in tent, BBQ on grill or fire pit. Both of these are different way of adventures and experiences.
Also, since we have a bunny now, we enjoy take her with us and she loves being in camping. She has her own playground so she has a space, can eat grass and feel as a real bunny and cannot escape at the same time. Last year, we had experience when fox visited our tent because she smelled our bunny. My bunny is a warrior, started to roar and hit her feet against the ground. It woke me up and we scared the fox away. Women power!
4. Sunbathing and swimming
What is summer without a good sunbathing and swimming in the ocean, sea or swimming pool? In Spain, there are so many options, beaches to almost every side of the country. If a beach is too far away, they have a swimming pool and let me tell you about swimming pools in Spain and my first experience.

So year ago, my boyfriend tells me that we are going to a swimming pool. I imagine this closed, sport type of swimming pool where you pay for an hour, go swim as much as you can (like a training) and then go home. More like a sport or exercise than fun. We go to this swimming pool, I change into my boring, black one-part bathing suit, and my boyfriend leads me to the swimming pool. Which was outside… huge… with palm trees and area for sunbathing next to it as well as ice cream and drink bar! I took small towel for shower, and this boring bathing suit. I run really fast to change into my other bathing suit which is a bit more interesting and appropriate for fancy swimming pool time.
5. Eat ice cream
Are you an ice cream nerd as I am? I can eat ice cream, even at -30 C in the winter time but obviously, mostly it is my trend in summer. Areal “gelato” is the best one, it has an authentic, fresh and natural taste. I rather enjoy those than the ice creams from supermarkets.

My boyfriend knows if we go for vacations on a beach that we will have to buy an ice cream from those cute “gelato” places. I always choose some sorbet or fruit moment!
6. Basketball dates
Summertime for me is all about getting my body moving and spending as much time as possible being active but also having fun. Basketball is that activity I have always been good at (even though I am very short in my body- but not spirit as I always say).

I used to be in a school team, in sports classes I always scored all the points I needed to get 10/10 and could rest for the next 2-3 classes until my mates got good grades as well.
Now I enjoy getting a ball and going to some basketball field with my boyfriend and doing some basketball games and having fun laughing and joking and being active. Basketball is one of the sports that I really enjoy doing and do voluntarily.
7. Talking about sports…
If we talk about sports, last year I have been very active and more healthy and taking care of my body and my temple. When spring and summer come, there are no more excuses to not go for a run around the block or ride a bicycle.
I am usually doing jogging twice a week but it asks a lot from me. In all honestly, I do not like to run, but I enjoy having a run because I feel very strong and good afterwards. My whole body feels stronger and I feel emotionally good knowing that I got over myself and can control my mind.

If we talk about bicycles, I am not doing as much for sports (yet) because I am not so into riding it for hours without a goal as an activity. I love to go for a ride either with my boyfriend or to have a goal and go to a store or beautiful place to see. My boyfriend surprised me with a new Kross matte pink-black bicycle this Christmas and it is perfect and just how I imagined!
8. Walks around city center, small streets
I am in love to walk around the city, my own “ghetto” or going to the centre or old part of the city and walk around, taking photos and every time discover new places, beautiful buildings, parks and sightseeing. A mission for you, dress up, take your camera or phone and walk around your city because I can promise that you are going to discover new places, or notice the beautiful building you have not before.

We are always too busy, running around the city and we use to know more about the cities we visit when travelling than our own town. I know that from times when I lived in Riga, and when I started to just wander around I saw the city from a different point of view. Therefore, now I walk around cities a lot. And when you are done, take a cup of coffee or beer/wine in some cute place and treat yourself.
9. Shopping for skirt and dresses (WEARING THEM)
I used to have a hundred summer pieces and only a few sweaters for wintertime. Basically, for summer, I had more clothing than I could ever wear, and for winter, I had the same clothing every day.

Now that I have discovered my winter style and have cute pieces for my winter wardrobe, I still enjoy shopping for summer dresses, bikinis and skirts. I feel like we have more events, going out and festivals or dates in the summertime so we need more clothes for more occasions.
And obviously, as much as I love to shop for clothing in summer (also it is so much easier to shop and change in changing rooms during summer time). Also I love to wear summer clothes, dress up, pair them with accessories and get the camera working.
10. Food (BBQ, sea food and salads)
Don’t you feel like in summer, salads and healthy food has different taste and seem much more tasty than in winter time? I definitely feel like that. I enjoy eating salads, fruits an seafood in the summer time and just my body does not ask for heavy and greasy meat food as in winter it does.
Except if we talk about BBQ gardens or camping days, love that thing. That is another chill day in summer, where we can chill with our loved ones, gather around the grill, drink beer and have some tea spilling. Also, meat tastes differently on the grill than kitchen pan.
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