What equipment do you need to start a YouTube channel?

Want to start a Youtube channel but do not know how? I am going to tell you about what equipment do you need to start a YouTube channel! Firstly, I want to make it clear that this list is an ultimate list of things that would help you make better quality videos. Secondly, you can just start with the phone and nothing else if you are on a budget. 

Most importantly is just to start if this is your dream or you want to try out. Start with whatever you have and build yourself up. I do not even have all the devices yet because I cannot afford everything.

Another tip I want to tell you however is to invest from time to time in new devices. I am making YouTube videos for around 3 years and all those 3 years I did not buy any new device- I did not invest! Only one month ago I finally invested in ring light that changed the quality of my videos a lot. Therefore, this was my first mistake. Always try to grow and improve! It is always better to have a normal job with a salary while you improve your YouTube game (to invest money in it and just have money to survive).

Finally without further due, what equipment do you need to start a YouTube channel? 

Camera (or good phone)

What equipment do you need to start a YouTube channel? What are the best cameras for vlogging.
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

When I filmed my first ever videos, I did it on my phone. The phone was not even so good but I still did. I know many people who do it for years because they just love making videos. Therefore, if you have no possibilities to own a camera, start with the phone. Try out for a few months and see if you love it and want to invest in a camera. If you cannot afford one, maybe add to your birthday Wishlist (maybe ask parents, or friends to give money as a gift so you can collect for the camera).

When I finally had money from my work, I knew I want to invest in some cameras. I got Nikon B700.

It was the best camera at that time for the money I could afford. Especially that you must be sure it has a rotating screen. By rotating I mean that you can see yourself while filming. Be careful, some screens can only be moved up and down not 180 degrees to another side. 

You will need to have a rotating screen to see yourself. That way you can always make sure you are in the focus, and the camera is filming. 

What devices I use

  Samsung S10e (takes amazing photos even at night, Also has a lot of memory).

  Nikon B700 is the camera I use right now. It has a flipping screen, is light weighted and small comparing to a lot of cameras. I am sure there are many better cameras by now but for the budget, it is still a great camera!

  What kind of camera?

We already found out that you need some with a rotating screen. What more? Do you need to think about what kind of videos you are going to film? Will you make sitting down at home videos? Like makeup or fashion etc? Or maybe you are going to do travel vlogs or lifestyle vlogs where you walk around? It is very important because if you are going to film in action, you will need a small vlogging camera. If you are going to sit down, then you can use a camera like my Nikon B700.

When choosing the best model, you can go check descriptions of your favorite YouTubers because they usually list their devices in video descriptions.

Here are some cameras that are one of the bests now: 

Sony A6400 is great vlogging camera. Shop here.

Canon EOS 70D is amazing camera as well that professional vloggers suggest.

Another great camera for lifestyle or travel vlogging is Canon PowerShot G7 X.

Memory card

What devices you need to film a Youtube video.
Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

If you have a camera, you will need a memory card. No doubt about that! I would suggest getting two memory cards. It is going to make your life so much easier. While you have one card in a laptop for editing, you film on another card.

I bought my second memory card only a few months ago but it already made my life easier. Not only that but what if it breaks? It happened to mine once, and I could not do anything until I bought a new one. You do not need to buy the best ones if you cannot afford it. However, I suggest buying at least 32-64 MB memory.

Laptop (for editing and uploading)

The best laptops for editing and blogging.
Photo by Burst on Unsplash

If you film on your phone, you can edit it as well. Even though, I cannot imagine how difficult editing on the phone must be. However, normally you will need a laptop if you edit or upload. One more time, I am going, to be honest. I am not MAC fan nor apple fan- I do not support their ideology and horrible prices. However, if you are a blogger or video maker, MAC is the laptop for you. 

Mac already has very good editing software on it. In general, have already all the apps you are going to need. But do not worry if you do not have Mac or cannot afford one because to edit you can use any laptop. 

Apple Mac book Air (smaller and cheaper version)

Apple Mac book Air (latest model)

Samsung Chromebook. I used to have a Samsung laptop and I was obsessed with it! It was worth every cent I spent and I think there was a reason that the store that sold mostly Apple products, also had the Samsung laptop. Therefore I suggest to check out this laptop HERE.

Editing software 

What equipment do you need to start a YouTube channel? What are the best editing softwares?
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Talking about editing software. MAC already has iMovie installed. I use iMovie myself and it is great editing software. However, if you have any other laptop, I suggest getting Moviemaker or DaVinci Resolve. I have heard amazing things about DaVinci Resolve. 

If you want to invest, then Final Cut Pro is one of the best. Have heard from professional YouTubers.

Ring light ( Light in general)

The best ring lights for vlogging and Youtube.

To have a good quality video, you will need good lighting. Choose the room that you are going to film videos with the best natural light. I got ring light only a month ago because as I said- I did not invest before. I bought the best one I heard that there is! But you do not need to spend so much and can buy some simpler ones. You can choose between two types of lights- ring light or box lights. I decided to go for a ring light because it seemed easier and taking less space. My apartment is small therefore I have no place for box lights. 

I am going to remind you that you can start filming without having a ring light. However, plan to invest in it in the future. The ring light is going to help with your quality. Also, the light will give you more freedom when you want to film. You will be able to film at night, rainy days or winter. But I will tell you that the ring light made quality so much better. It even seems that I have another camera, even seems that it zooms better and does other actions much better only because of the light.

Following I am going to give you some ring light options!


What tripod is the best for Youtube. Equipment to film youtube videos.
Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash

Tripod is the first one I ever got. Four years ago when I had the first idea to film YouTube videos. I went to the store and bought the cheapest tripod (I still have it and it still works great). That time I had planned to use it with my old, small, horrible camera that at the end turned out did not film any videos and just switched off. Therefore, my tripod just stood there for a year without any use. 

However, bear In mind that if you are going to buy the good ring light on a tripod, then you are not going to need it anymore. It is something I did not think about when I bought the tripod. It cost me around 30 euro, but ring light 88 Eur (with tripod already in it). 


Types of microphone and why you need a microphone to film a Youtube video.
Photo by Will Francis on Unsplash

Last but not least on what equipment do you need to start a YouTube channel? A microphone but not a must. Many professional YouTubers use external microphones. Microphones make all the quality better. However, I do not have one yet and I am not crying. In my personal opinion, a microphone is the last one where I would invest my money in. It does depend on what kind of videos you are making. If they are mostly about talking, giving instructions, etc then it might be very important for you. If you make comment videos, the same. 

From YouTubers that I watch, I have seen them using small microphones (that they stick to their shirt). The big table microphones or some lifestyle/travel vloggers use the microphones they stick to their cameras. 

These are the most usual equipment items that you need to start/ do a Youtube channel. But at the end to answer What Equipment Do You Need to Start a YouTube Channel?? Anything that films the video and you can go from there. 

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