Toothpaste can be dangerous for your health

A few months ago I told you about how important is to use natural, aluminum- free and perfume-free deodorant. Today we are going to discover what dangerous ingredients are hidden in tubes of toothpaste.

I have noticed that people do not much think about the ingredients and possible dangers of toothpaste. TV commercials of mainstream toothpaste brands work hard to make you believe that their toothpaste is going to make your teeth platinum white- just as Hollywood actors do (remember that most of them do not have real teeth anymore).

I have discovered some very good less known toothpaste brands that are a great and healthier option for the mainstream ones.

Let’s start by the fact that all kinds of toothpaste should be safe to swallow but it is not true. On many toothpaste tubes you will be able to read the warning about swallowing toothpaste, and even to contact poison center if swallowed.

For people who suffer from allergies, dermatologists suggest using flavorless toothpaste (especially without mint).

After FDA regulations, all toothpaste with fluoride must add a warning on the back of the label, but who watches that? Would it not be easier to just prohibit it if there is an option to not use dangerous ingredients?

Fluoride can be deadly if a lot of it is swallowed. It is especially dangerous for children. Little children cannot spit and many times will just swallow the toothpaste. The worst part is- many toothpaste brands with fluoride for children to use bubble gum or fruit taste. Do companies think about the fact that if the child swallows half a tube of the toothpaste because it tastes like bubble gum, it may kill him? Not! Use fluoride-free toothpaste for your children.

You cannot even trust your dentist. Nowadays a lot of doctors, including dentists, are walking advertisements. They are going to advise you about any brand that pays him or send him free samples.

Ingredients in toothpastes (to avoid and to choose)

  • Xylitol sweetener and is a much better option than fluoride. Studies have shown that xylitol decay prevention, helps with dry mouth and prevent gum diseases
  • Abrasives are dangerous but many brands use them to remove stains and claiming that they whiten teeth, but it only causes sensitivity. Blend-a-med loves to use them and used to make my teeth super sensitive.
  • Chlorine dioxide is an industrial bleach– avoid!
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is an industrial detergent (for foaming and cleaning). Studies report it causes canker sore, dry mouth, and allergies.
  • Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used to neutralize the pH. NaOH is a metallic base that is used in textiles, cleaners, and detergents.
  • Alcohol-free mouthwash with xylitol is recommended. Alcohol in mouthwash can lead to dry mouth. Dry mouth may lead to gum

More about fluoride

Many believe that without fluoride, it is not possible to clean and brush teeth. That fluoride is the main ingredient for strong and clean teeth. Right? Wrong! Fluoride can harm teeth more than help them. In the past, people used fluoride as rat poison and insecticide.


What is fluoride? It is nothing else than a byproduct of copper, aluminum and iron manufacturing. Shocking, right? I got very shocked when I read it.

Studies show that fluoride does not help to strengthen or whiten the teeth. There was no difference between people who used fluoride and people who did not. If that were so easy, we could only add it to water and have clean and strong teeth.

Why is fluoride bad for us? Fluoride if used too much and often can discolor the teeth. Fluoride also helps the brain to absorb aluminum, and it has been found in the most brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Fluoride has also been linked to more than 10 000 cancer deaths every year!

Why US institutions trying to avoid and ignore real facts? Maybe because they have used fluoride in water and supported companies that use fluoride for decades. If one day they admit that they were wrong, a lot of lawsuits would be waiting for them to deal with.

Toothpastes that I advice

Pro Teeth whitening

Naturally derived toothpaste with activated charcoal. It has mint flavour so it might not be the best for you if you are allergic.

The toothpaste of Pro Teeth whitening is fluoride free, which is very important.

Whitens teeth, polishes, freshens breath and is safe on enamel.

Buy Pro Teeth whitening toothpastes HERE


I received Kemphor toothpaste as a gift in blogger event a few months ago and fell in love with their tubes of toothpaste right in that moment. (Kemphor has a special toothpaste for gums, whitening and other problems).

I am using Kemphor toothpastes right now. I read that they are very good, natural and with the best ingredients. While I was researching I found out it is not true as their toothpastes does contain fluoride. Even toothpaste meant for children does contain it! I write it just for your caution because I was sure it is safe toothpaste to use but see how commercials can make us blind.

Kemphor is gluten free, cruelty-free and paraben-free brand.

Buy Kemphor toothpastes HERE

Himalaya Herbals

Himalaya Herbals toothpaste I am using for over many and many years. They have many type of toothpastes- for whitening, sensitive teeth, original and so on.

100% vegetarian toothpaste, paraben-free

Himalaya Herbals toothpastes are meant for strong teeth, fresh breath and healthy gums.

I tried to find actual list with the ingredients but it does not say. On the page of each toothpaste, there is only listed key ingredients. Maybe you can find?

Buy Himalaya Herbals HERE

Sources used:

Cleure webpage

Health status blog

Livestrong article

Discussion: What do you think and was the information helpful? After all the research, I came to conclusion that we should brush our teeth using baking soda and that is all!

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  1. Exactly, it is horrible they do that. And question why? Do they want citizens not be as smart and just pay taxes without thinking much or? Thank you for comment and for extra information 😉

  2. Exactly, it is horrible they do that. And question why? Do they want citizens not be as smart and just pay taxes without thinking much or? Thank you for comment and for extra information 😉

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