The best 5 weekend getaways

Best weekend directions to take

The best 5 weekend getaways? If you are following and reading my blog for some while, you are probably thinking that I wrote about these cities already. Maybe I have mentioned them in some other travel posts but they are still the best weekend getaways for me! To all of these locations, I have been to, and to all of them, not more than 2-3 days. I will share some tips and locations that you need to know and which are the most important to see.


5 best weekend getaways Barcelona

Barcelona, tatatatatatatataaa, BARCELONA!!! I cannot even explain why I love Barcelona so much. I think because I have visited it mostly when it is not full of tourists, I went there with people who know it good and also because of the beautiful architecture it has!

You can go around the town and looking around getting lost in all the beauty! Just be careful- a lot of thieves around which is the sad part of it!
The best time to visit Barcelona is May or June. Do not go to the beach in the center of Barcelona- it is small and very expensive! Take a train and go to Castelldefels- a few minutes and you are in a wide, beautiful seaside which has so many restaurants and bars. Some are very affordable and some are a little more expensive!

If we talk about the center- visit the cathedral of Sagrada Familia– something impressive that I cannot describe with my words.
Go to the district of Gaudi spectacular houses- they look like gnome homes right out of a fairytale.


Best weekend directions to take

I have been to Berlin three times. Berlin is one of the best weekend getaways- so many things to do and see! The third time was last year when we went there for a maximum of 48 hours. We made a plan right away- started from the place further away, which for us was an Eastside gallery! We went there by bus and metro, and then using the bus went to Alexanderplatz where we started our journey around the most popular touristic spots- Brandenbourg gates, Reichstag and Berliner Dom.

Berlin is one big proof of WW2 and you will realize that very fast. On every corner, there will be some history museums, photo museums or just some peace left of Berlin Wall.

Advice from me? Do not buy water in tourist spots. We paid 5 EUR for a 0.5L bottle.
I was in Berlin during August- it did not seem like having too many tourists but I have also been there in spring and it was even nicer and still very warm.

Last time I stayed in Comfort hotel which was next to the Tiergarten and the Zoo (the zoo is very big and beautiful, in case you want to see some animals or if you travel with your kids).
In Berlin, you must try their German beer, with some schnitzel or wiener and as a dessert some Berliner doughnut.

More information about Berlin and its tourist sights READ HERE


Paris as the best weekend getaway

I have lost count how many times I have been to Paris. Yes, it is exaggerated, there are many more beautiful cities. It can be very dark, dirty and sad but at the same time- it is Paris. The city has its charm and I do have a plan to kidnap my boyfriend one day and bring him there even if he screams and throws a tantrum (not a Paris fan).

I remember the last time I was in Paris. Just seeing Eiffel Tower another time gave me that relief, happiness, and excitement. It is just the place to be, think and have a walk around!

My most favorite spots in Paris? Eiffel Tower to see and for panorama view, Triumph Arch and Les Champs Elysees with the Dior and Chanel, Louvre (but if you are there for a weekend, go there for some photos but do not step in the museum, you will waste your time) and walk around Moulin Rouge and Montmartre.
It saddens me how Montmartre has changed though- it was this quiet artistic district but now there are African sellers on each corner trying to sell their 1Eur metal Eiffel towers and so on, being pushy and as in Montmartre there is not a lot of space in general, they bother a lot!

RIGA (Latvia)

Riga as the best weekend getaway and in Unesco heritage

Riga is my town so I need to include it in these tourist guides as much as possible (Sorry, not sorry). Many people know neither about Riga, neither about Latvia but it is one of the best getaways for the weekend, in my opinion. As some American media have said- hidden European gem!

It is my responsibility to tell you more about this beautiful city of Riga! The old town of Riga is the most pretty one- with all the beautiful churches and houses. You will be surprised but old town is one of the UNESCO heritage and there is a legend that the Christmas tree comes from Riga as well.

Do not forget to have some Latvian beer in some local pubs (Latvian beers are very good and famous, just as good as German beers). I suggest you Valmiermuiža, Mežpils, Brenguļu, and others. Local traditional meals are Šašliks, different potato meals, soups, kartupeļu pankūkas and different meals from pork and chicken.
Where to eat or have a beer? Ala (also great for music and dances), Ezītis miglā, Lido (local, affordable food), Egle and so many more!

There are many spots where you can see Riga from above: a new modern library next to the river, Gallery Riga (shopping center) that has very nice restaurants and bars on the roof, TV tower or the bar which is located in Central station- right in the main clock.

Stockholm (Sweden)

The best weekend getaways for couples

Stockholm is so famous for Latvians to visit. Probably because of the easy access and enjoyable way there. From Riga goes a ferry right to Stockholm- not exactly a cruise but made it be like that. The whole night on the ship, dancing, singing, and having fun. The whole day in Stockholm and next night going back to Riga.

Stockholm is very famous for its port and the royal palace. It is the first place where I always go when I visit Stockholm. I would also suggest visiting the Vasa museum (museum about the ship).

One thing about Sweden that is very difficult and tricky is the currency. Sweden has another currency so it can be very difficult to pay and buy anything if you visit only for a few days. We had only euros and even though in many places you can pay with euros, they will give you back their local money and sometimes less than needed or the other question- what you are going to do with those few coins of local money?

Which are the best 5 weekend getaways for you?
My other suggestions would be: Rome, Prague, Valencia and some more but about these cities in another blog post!

READ NEXT. Why and how I started blogging?

VIDEO. Video vlog of the Eurotrip 2019

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