The 4 Essentials of a Healthy Wardrobe | The Ultimate Style Guide

In this article, I will be sharing with you the 4 essentials of a Healthy wardrobe. You don’t need to buy new clothes either. I am sure you have healthy fashions in your wardrobe already. 

So, what is HEALTHY FASHION? It is fashion that supports human health. The concept of fashion for health is a new trend and movement that is bringing the magic back into fashion: the glitter, the wonder, the happiness. 

There are so many ways to define healthy fashion; it is personal to people. My idea of what I think a healthy clothing item or healthy fashion accessory can be different than your vision, and that is perfectly fine. Yet, some critical and essential things make a garment or accessory considered “healthy.” 

When we become more conscious and aware of the things that make a wardrobe healthy, we notice how fashion can support us. We also begin to make our style and looks help our physical, mental, and emotional health even more. 

The four essentials of healthy fashion

I have broken down four specific “essentials” to help transform your wardrobe into a healthy one. Here are the four essentials of a healthy wardrobe: 

1. Choose to wear comfortable fabrics that work for your skin 

2. Choose to wear clothes that make you feel happy 

3. Create a personal style that holistically evolves 

4. Choose apparel, accessories, and beauty products that help save the planet 

Before I give you a description of the essentials that make a healthy wardrobe, I want to say there are a number of different options that we have in order to make a wardrobe healthy. 

The four essentials of a healthy wardrobe (and reasons why) 

1. Choose to wear comfortable fabrics that work for your skin 

The four essentials of healthy wardrobe

Everyone has individual tastes of what types of fabrics, fabric textures, and the colors of the dyed fabric that they like and want to wear. We all have to find out what works specifically for our own bodies. 

As an example: so many times in my life, I chose to wear aesthetically pleasing fabrics, but I didn’t care what the material felt like against my skin. I would spend that day uncomfortable.

I don’t really wear fabrics that are uncomfortable anymore (I still do at times,) and this is because I have started to become more aware of when fabrics are uncomfortable against my skin. When we choose garments and accessories that are in harmony with our mind, body, and spirit, life becomes easier, and we feel more comfortable. 

2. Choose to wear clothes that make you happy 

Eco-friendly and cruelty-free fashion and closet

You would be surprised at how our clothing can either help or hurt the human body. When we choose fashions, styles, and outfits that make us feel happy, this is essential for our health and wellbeing. 

What makes you happy? Is it a cute fabric print? A heart-shaped pattern on a fabric? Is it a soft, warm, velvety sweater? Or is it maybe an energizing, bold-colored fabric? 

When we start to recognize how our own wardrobes can support us, we can really start to understand and shop for fashions that make us happier. Whether you already do this or not (of course all of you fashion-interested ladies and gentlemen do) we can always start practicing more and more ways to choose from our wardrobe or purchase new fashions that immediately enhance our mood. 

3. Create a personal style that holistically evolves 

What is healthy fashion and what you need to know about the healthy fashion. The 5 Essentials of a Healthy Wardrobe

Whether you are a collector of clothes, or you only purchase minimally, or if you only shop a few times a year (those that like to window shop more than purchase), either way, you can create a wardrobe that holistically evolves. Of course, it is all about expressing yourself because we all have unique ways to develop a wardrobe. 

The easiest way to make a wardrobe evolve holistically is to create a wardrobe that will express who you are. When we create a connection between the clothes we buy and the clothes that we wear, we are creating a holistic wardrobe that will naturally evolve. This clothing connection makes us want to wear what we already have and what we will shop for in the future. 

4. Choose apparel, accessories, and beauty products that help save the planet 

The 5 Essentials of a Healthy Wardrobe

You are probably already wearing brands that do at least a few things in their business that help to save the Earth. For example, a company’s essential oil blends are certified cruelty-free, or a profit percentage of a company’s crystal-infused eye shadow sales help to support people in underdeveloped countries. These things will help save the Earth. 

When you have a moment, look at a few of your garment labels, google search their website, and check their about page. These brands may even list specific fashion industry certifications at the bottom of their website. These certifications support ethics, sustainability, and low-impact fabrics. There are so many ways to help the Earth, like zero-waste fashion, ethical fashion, plant-based fashion, and eco-fashion. 

So, these are the four essentials of a healthy wardrobe. As a fashion author and fashion entrepreneur, I have a HEALTHY FASHION campaign that “creates enlightening content on fashion deemed medicinal.” I also have a new book coming out about fashion for health. The book will be published in 2021 with John Hunt Publishing. 

My fashion work takes a modern approach to the way we relate to our clothes. It’s about fashion for a purpose. How we treat our bodies is how we treat ourselves. It’s the same with our way of dress; what we wear can be an extension of how we care about ourselves. Dressing healthy is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. 

Who is Alyssa Couture?

Guest post about healthy fashion on Glam but first coffee fashion blog.

Alyssa Couture is a fashion author and fashion entrepreneur. Her upcoming book establishes an alternative approach to clothing: fashion deemed medicinal. The book includes advanced methods to produce healthier fashion products and create a more healthy, holistic fashion business. Visit her site by clicking here.

This article was about the 4 Essentials of a Healthy Wardrobe. The article was only an introduction to this topic because, in the future, you will hear more about Alyssa Couture and her journey! Did you know about the 4 essentials of a healthy wardrobe?

Read next about the best Eco-friendly gift ideas!

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