Reviewing Ella Baché skincare so you do not need to

Reviewing Ella Baché skincare so you do not need to! The story of how I got introduced to this luxurious “couple” of Ella Baché is simple- by my cosmetologist. I went to her to cleanse my face and spoil it with some nice fruity cleansing and massage because I am having a huge problem with my pores- they are very big and noticeable especially on my nose. So she did the fruit procedure to my precious face and advised me to try a couple of products- to clean my face every night after shower.

I was a bit sceptical, because the price wasn’t low and face pampering products weren’t in my budget plans for this month but i bought them- each for 16 eur or 17$. And well guess what- I am not disappointed (If i just wouldn’t be so lazy to use it every single night).

About Ella Baché’s cleansing cream home page says:

Reviewing Ella Baché skincare so you do not need to

“Ella Baché’s inimitable make-up remover cream, with Rose Milk: one cleaning and one soothing phase to be activated by shaking the tube…it is then transformed into a thick, smooth cream and leaves your skin clean, with an exquisite soothing feeling.” 

I couldn’t agree more. After a shower, I shake the tube as advised, rub it in my fingers to create foam and gently rub into my skin- especially around eyes (to take off my make-up) and around nose and cheeks (where most of my pores are located), then rinse it with warm water leaving my skin fresh, soft and clean. 

About Skin revealing Austral gel toner Ella Baché’s home page says: 

“A rose-water gel to be applied after make-up removal to soothe your face and highlight your complexion. It leaves your skin fresh and clear like the morning dew.”

Like a morning dew- that is the right description for this product. This gel tone definitely makes me feel more awake and fresh and ready to watch some more Christmas movies before I am going to sleep. 🙂 
I just apply it with some cotton pad on my face and neck (because that is the part of the face and it is important to not forget about it, especially if you used to apply your make-up on it as well).

My conclusions: 1. I will trust my cosmetologist about her advices 
                             2. I definitely want to try more of Ella Baché’s skin care products 

Question for you?  Have you tried Ella Baché’s products? What are your skincare must haves?

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