New Year resolutions: Top resolutions, ideas and tips on how to define and stick to them!

New year resolutions: Top resolutions, ideas and tips on how to define and stick to them! Have you made New Year’s resolutions? Lose weight? Save up some money? Travel more? Or maybe you haven’t because you do not believe them and think you will not follow them, so what is the point of dreaming?

You are right- there is no point in dreaming if all you do is keep sitting on the sofa, scrolling on Instagram, seeing successful people perfect lives in the model body, travelling, and earning money. Still, you just keep sitting on the couch in your free time… and dreaming.

Only 9% of all people that make New Year resolutions stick to them fully. Let’s learn how to write down and make our goals stick to these resolutions!

New year resolutions: Top resolutions, ideas and tips on how to define and stick to them!

We will go over the most popular New year resolutions, and I will help you define your New year resolutions in the right way so you would move your bum, stick to them and keep going!

No 1. Exercise more vs…

Define your path and goals each week and month.

What does it mean for you? Once a month, a week? Every day? For how long? One hour a day? Two?

Start slowly and increase every week/ month.

How to stay active and lose weight in 2023?

What kind of exercises? Jogging? Exercise at home or the gym? Riding bike? Zumba? Boxing? Swimming? This also defines and will make you understand- where? Home, gym, street?!

Find something you like the most and start from there.

Doing what you like will motivate you, and you will keep going without much effort. For me, it was Zumba. Third-year and still going with joy!

Who will help you? Motivating by involving your friends? Hire a private trainer? Or will you find inspiration and exercises by youtube, books, and Pinterest?

Make small goals, steps and to-do list!

Would it be buying a gym membership card? Zumba or boxing membership card? Buy equipment. Hire a personal trainer. Make a playlist of your favourite songs to jog or exercise to (music for me always help).

No 2. Lose weight vs…

How to eat healthy in 2023?

This point kind of comes in handy with the first point. So you can start from there and add healthy eating.

First, you should define and understand your weaknesses.

Drink too much soda? Change it with water and lemon. Love chips? Change it to popcorn. Love fries? Make fried carrots instead. Eat mostly outside? Explore menus of restaurants and homes and decide what healthy meal options they have.

Are you a fast food fan?

Find some snacks you would like instead of Fast food or go over their menu and order tortilla or salads instead of burgers and KFC chicken.

Healthy tortillas for 2023

Do you think healthy food is bland? Check out youtube and Pinterest for recipes you would love to try from ingredients that you already love.

Make an eating plan of recipes and meals for a week and do that every week.

Don’t go to the store hungry! And buy everything for a week.

Keep healthy snacks at home

(veggies, fruits, dark chocolate, popcorn), for the in-between meals.

Make a cheat days where you eat all the excellent food you like and love – we need that, or we would go crazy! Pizza, pasta, burger, or cola? Once a week, we can!

No 3. Get organized vs…

How to stay organised in 2023?

First, buy a cute planner you would want to write notes and look to more and more.

Plan not only your work, exercises, and busy adult activities but also free time, pauses, rest, and coffee breaks- that will keep you motivated.

New Year resolutions 2023

I even planned for myself one day which is no filming, no blog, no jobs- just exploring, small, simple e-mail tasks, and creativity. Since then it gives me more motivation to keep harder the next day, I feel rested and restored from everyday activities.

No 4. Learn a new skill or hobby vs…

What new skill or hobby? Define it!

What in life excites you? What do you love to do or would love to learn?

By there again define- what you need to start the hobby and where would you do it?

If home- learn from Pinterest and youtube! If outside, buy a membership to classes of the skill or hobby you want to do.

No 5. Live life to the fullest vs…

Make a bucket list!

Bucket list 2023

Living life to the fullest sound like a bucket list! What exciting things or places do you want to see or do? Define it! Travel, adrenaline, see people, change around your life and world? You can do it, it is all in your head!

When you have made a list or define what living life to the fullest mean for you, make a to-do list, maybe even a plan for every season or month

What to do? Do you need equipment? Buy airplane tickets? Call the bungee jumping company?

No 6. Save more money / spend less money vs…

How to save money in 2023?

Look over your budget!

How much you earn? How much you spend on survive kit (rent, loans, food?)

Understand where the rest of your money goes!

Do you drive around in a car, even to the nearest places? Maybe it is cheaper to get by bus or go to your colleagues’ or friends’ cars. Or use a bike to the closest spots or walk more (will also help for health and save gas).

Do you spend a lot of online shopping or just shopping? Unsubscribe from all email subscriptions of Sephora and others. Think twice before buying clothes, do you really need them? Think twice! Go home and if you forget about it the next day- you did not need it!

Make a goal of each month!

Plan on how much money you will put in your piggy bank every month. Be realistic- that will keep you motivated.

What is the reason for saving up money?

Why do you want to save up money, and for what? For some travel or expensive fashion item? Define it and maybe even make a wish board with lovely things and places you would want to spend saved up money on. That will motivate you!

No. 7. Quit smoking vs…

How to quit smoking in 2023?

There are so many points on this one how you should motivate this New year resolution and define it.

Write down benefits and stick to the wall right in front of you

I will be healthier and more active. It will help save up money. My mouth will not stink. I will not freeze to death in winters. Life will be more comfortable. And so on, so on…

Calculate how much you spend on your cigarettes and plan on where you could spend the money on.

Maybe even every time you want to or would go to buy cigarettes, throw the money in the piggy bank! Then at the end of the month or year – buy something nice as a prize!

Replace smoking with some other “addiction”

My free time, break addiction is coffee drinking. Not the healthiest but not the worst. Maybe replace it with some activity you like, playing games? Eating something you really nice- Haribo gummy bears? Just be careful or you will need to do the point 1st next year.

No 8. Spend more time with family and friends vs…

How to stick to New Year resolutions in 2023?

Call them and set a date!

Go over the list of friends or family you want to meet and start now! No excuses. Invite them over, take your kids out to build a snowman, or go to the cinema. Have a coffee with your friends. Date and wine your mom. Go on an adventure trip with dad. Do it now!

Set traditions!

Every week or month- poker nights with friends, cinema with family and so on.

No 9. Travel more vs…

Goals and resolutions in 2023

Define what bothers you to travel and work with that.

Don’t you have enough money? Go to the “save up money” point or think about what you can do to earn more money- change work or work harder.

Don’t you have enough time? Plan your time better or start with smaller trips on weekends around your country or your neighbourhood countries. Or change work if it drains you out.

The best ways to stick to New Year resolutions

Don’t have a travel buddy? First, ask around friends and family if there is none, now there are many small organisations/groups which search for travel buddies. Or just book a group trip and excursion on your travel agency and go alone! Will meet new people and travel agencies take good care so you will not get lost.

No 10. Read more vs…

How to read more in 2023?

Think about books and what you like to read the most!

Sports, fantasy, fashion, crime, comedy- there are books for everyone!

Make a book wishlist/ read list!

Just like in school, when you needed to read books during school or summer, they gave you a list. Make a list of books you would want to read.

Get a library card, or kindle ebook, or go to the bookshop to get the books for you. Whatever will motivate you.

Now blogging and Instagram is on Top. If that is your case, share a review of your books with others. That will motivate you to stick to reading, read until the end, and actually analyse and deep-read the book.

In conclusion, what I can say- is do not define your result or goal (that is important) but when defining your resolution be specific. Make a plan, and activities, and go step by step creating a to-do list!

What is your resolution? Comment down below!

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