Living in a foreign country: my experience and tips

How is it- living in a foreign country? Right now, I am on vacation for a month- in the same country that I have been living in for the last three years- Spain. Therefore, I wanted to write something more diary-type and light-weighted!

I know many of my friends and people I know live abroad as well as my followers. Therefore, I decided to share my experience living abroad and give some crucial tips for people that have thought about living abroad!

My story and how I came here?

Living in a foreign country

Many people change countries because they are not happy with the country they live in or because of the work. However, I changed my country because of love. I had a place to live, had a good job, and was happy with my country. But I have always been romantic, and love will be more important for me. Not only that, changing countries inspired and motivated me to pursue my dreams and not settle for a 9 to 5 job!

That is how one day at work I was tired of my horrible co-worker treating me badly, of the work not appreciating my efforts, and I bought the ticket to Spain. However, the first ticket was to travel and explore before I move! I would suggest to everyone firstly travel to the country you want to live in and take in all cons and pros. When the time came, I talked to my boss about my plans. Thankfully, almost all of my bosses have always supported my plans and taken them in with a positive attitude.

Some people live long distances for a long time, but I and my boyfriend knew that we do not want it! We want real relationships and that is probably the most adult thing I have done, and also seen about my boyfriend. Ladies, always remember that the right one will not leave you on the question mark. I met my boyfriend in July, and the next year the same day I and my bunny with all my luggage were already in Spain. My bunny had to come with me, there were no questions asked. I do not understand people who live with their pets, their pets give them love and time when they need it, but their horrible humans abandon them at the moment that it makes it difficult.

Things you need to do before living in a foreign country

What you should know about living abroad?

Buying a one-way ticket is the easiest part of living abroad! Firstly, you need to leave all the fear and know that everything will be great. You need to give up your apartment and work and have hope that everything is going to work out! Then you must talk to your family and friends about your plans. Remember, that not everyone is going to support you, and wish you the best. People are very egotistical, judgmental, and evil! Therefore, remember that your responsibility is to tell them but not to convince them or accept their unsolicited advice.

After that comes all the planning with moving- a place to live, work, documents that you need! I would suggest you take copies of your medical history and studies. Make sure you have your passport and ID up to date as well as your insurance if you have one.
I needed to prepare documents for my bunny as well- passport, vaccine, a special document of the vet, and she even needed to have a chip.

Everyone will visit, or no one will even write?

How to survive living abroad?

When you move abroad, you will be excited and share it with friends and family, inviting everyone to visit you. What is the truth? No one will (except maybe your family if they have money). Only a few friends will remember you and write you. You are going to run after your friends and people most of the time, making sure they do not forget about you until you realize it is not worth it!

It is easier for them to write to you than for you to write to all the people you know and care about. However, you will soon realize that no one writes you first. The world goes one with or without you, people do not have time. The only ones that will remember you are old school friends who want to put their nose in your business. After many years they suddenly write you, but all they care about is to know about your private life!

That is not all. Some “friends” will go as far as to unfriend you on social media because they do not want to see your success or agree with your opinion about things you share. Those are called cowards, they were your best friends for years but now cannot even talk with you, and when the opportunity comes that you are far away, they unfriend you! It hurts at first, but then you understand that decluttering garbage is the best way to live!

Living in a foreign country is not traveling

Experience of living abroad in Spain

I understand jokes but after years still get the shock from my friends that I am not tanned all the time, swimming in the sea and sipping cocktails can annoy me! Living abroad is not being on the trip! In reality, it is the struggle and stresses the whole time! The whole time thinking about the work and money and how I will live in the future. How to live better, where to get more money, and all other adult problems. Then you will always think if you give enough attention, calls to your family, when to travel to your country and how!
Living in a southern country is not to be on the beach all the time. Many people live in cities, away from the beach to gain money, live in small apartments in some villages or cheaper districts. To be living in another country does not include five-star hotels and a free buffet.

Having two homes to travel between

Is it good to live in a foreign country?

It is great to kind of have two homes and countries to call yours. However, it only gives you more stress than happiness. The guilt that you are not there to see new nephews born and grow, to not be there for seeing your mom getting older, and for special family reunions. Unfortunately, there are many things you cannot even control, like visiting your country! The last two years prove who has the power and ability to cut our life- politics and greedy people.

Friends are friends forever?! Yes or No!

What can you get from living abroad? Living in a foreign country

I touched on the subject before, but what I realized is that long-distance relationship are difficult also between friends. However, I also think that adult life gets in the way- we are all in our 30s. Some of us have kids, working hard but obviously- some are still in their 18s mindset and do not care about you if you cannot drink some shot with them! Not everyone is working on their future, dreams, and growing to be better persons.

Talking about friends: it is not easy to find new friends when you are an adult, especially in another country. I do suggest participating in events, join clubs and sports classes to know some local people. However, find friends and trust them with your life and thoughts is not easy! Honestly, I do not think I will find some friends that I would trust with my problems and plans. All I have seen are noisy chicks that want to know about my relationships and private life!

TIPS for people living in a foreign country

tips for people that want to live abroad. Living in a foreign country
  • Learn local language
  • Respect their culture and traditions. You do not need to understand or love them but respect them!
  • Join clubs, sports events, etc. to meet new people!
  • Travel around, explore!
  • Talk to local people and not search for your people.
  • Visit your country as much as you can to not lose the touch with it!
  • Respect the country you live in but do not forget about your roots- be proud of it!
  • If you are not sure, travel there first and explore before you make a decision. Only remember that traveling is different than living!

Do you live abroad? I hope my experience and tips about living in a foreign country helped you! Share with me your experience, tips, and where do you live! I share more about my blogging struggles, my work, my life in Spain, and travels on my Instagram page.

Read about my travels across Spain and other countries.

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