Winter and cold weather is here. This year also came with masks. Therefore we need to take care of our lips in winter. However, how to take care of your lips in winter?
Winter weather affects our lips a lot more than in other seasons. Mostly because of the cold and moisture in the air. The combo is not very significant for our lips, and they start to chap! How to care for chapped lips in winter?

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No licking!

Try to lick and touch your lips as little as possible. As I mentioned before, cold and wet do not go well together. Licking will attract more wind and cold to your lips, making them dryer and chap easily.
Have a lip balm on you always.

That is how we come to the second point- have a lip balm on you always. I suggest buying some great lip balm sets from Amazon and keeping one next to your bed, another one in your handbag, and a third in your bathroom. Having a lip balm makes you lick your lips less and have protection on you always.
I choose my lip balms only from skincare or pharmacy brands that know what they are doing.
Burt’s bees has one of the best lip balms. Buy yourself one here.
Avoid lip balms that have eucalyptus and menthol in it. Menthol and eucalyptus make your lips feel cold and again attract more cold and wind to them.
Do not bite or run your lips if they are flaky.

Biting lips is another small human guilt we all do. However, biting or hardly rubbing them when they are already flaky or peeling will only make your lips feel worse. Lips are going to hurt more and even bleed.
Treat severe peeling and cracks.

Always treat severe peeling and cracks. A pharmacy has special creams and balms that will help you with your cracks on lips and the peeling. Most importantly, remember that they need some healing and never leave your lips without heeling.
Apply lip balm as much as possible

Have a lip calm on you and apply a lip balm as much as possible. I like to use my lip balm before leaving the house to protect them against wind and cold. Then I want to apply lip balm before I go to sleep. At night when we sleep and breathe deeply at times, my lips can feel parched. Therefore, using the lip balm before sleeping helps me to avoid it.
Exfoliate and moisturize

Always remember to exfoliate and moisturize your lips. Buy yourself a couple of good lip balms and keep them around you, as well as a great exfoliator or scrub. My favorite lip scrubs are from Lush and Whish (Jeffree Star also has some great ones, but I have not tried them yet).
However, the best I have ever tried comes from Whish. The exfoliator is very gentle and has a sweet scent to it. The Whish exfoliator moisturizes and is very soft when exfoliating, but it does the best result in doing so.
Add lip care routine in your nighttime routine or at least exfoliate them once a week.
Burt’s bees also offer fantastic lip masks. Check out this tremendous lip mask from Burt’s bees here.
What home remedy helps for chapped lips?

Do you not want to spend money on lip products, or maybe you need some right now and do not have one at home? The best moisturizer for lips is coconut oil (or any natural herbs oil). However, coconut oil for the face can be too harsh. Another great moisturizer is honey! Leave the honey on your lips for a little bit before licking it off. However, for exfoliation, you can use sugar. I would suggest mixing honey with sugar, and you will have a homemade exfoliator.
I hope you got your answer to How to take care of your lips in winter. How do you take care of your lips, or maybe you have some comments about the topic that I did not respond to in this article? Let me know in the comment section down below!