How to style travel outfits?

How to style travel outfits? Do you travel from time to time and also want to create beautiful photos or just look cute? When I was searching about the travel outfits, I only saw airport outfits and sweatpants. However, this post is not about that!

How to style travel outfits?

If you follow me for a while, you know that I go to beautiful destinations from time to time, like some Spanish villages, beaches and so on! I use these lucky occasions to create photos with my outfits- either just voluntarily or as sponsored posts. After the last one-day trip I decided to share with you some tips on how do I chose my outfits to wear when I travel, how to still feel comfortable and enjoy the trip itself! This is for all the ladies that love to explore places while still looking feminine. I travel with my partner many times for an anniversary or just a romantic getaway, therefore, I do not want to just wear jeans or sweatpants!

About the trip to Alquézar, Spain

Stylish travel outfits for women

I wanted to start by sharing the trip and suggestions in general. Alquézar is less than 2h from where I and my partner lives. Therefore on Saturday we just went there in the morning from Zaragoza. As the village is located in mountains, the road was not the best in some moments. Therefore, be careful driving. However, in the end, it was worth it!

I also suggest you park in the big parking on the left before entering the village itself. Then we went to have a walk around the village. If you are a hiker, they have beautiful and romantic excursions available as well. However, this time we went more on a relaxing date mode.

After a walk we sat on a terrace in one of the restaurants to drink some beer. The restaurant had a nice view over the village (“Meson del Vero”). As we sat there in the sunshine, happy and chilled, we thought let’s not complicate things and eat right here as well! I chose the menu option, with ravioli pesto and potatoes with pork meat. Delicious as it can be!

How to style travel outfits?

Look at pictures where you are going

Travel outfits with sneakers

Have you seen those beautiful Instagram photos where the blue dress is the same shade as the walls of the houses? I always thought the girl just got lucky or searches any wall that looks like her dress. Maybe even go to her hotel to change after she sees the wall that goes with the dress. However, recently one of these travel fashion girls shared the secret. What they do is, look at photos and maybe even other bloggers that have visited the place, and pack her outfits after seeing the photos.
For example, the last village had a lot of light brownstone houses. I realized that bright red will look amazing with the brownish tone (I think I was right).

TIP 1! Chose outfit tones and colors that will look great in the environment

What is the weather like?

How to put together a travel outfits and looks for Instagram photos?

Unfortunately, we cannot plan the weather, and it can ruin the whole trip (or at least our planned photos). However, always think about the weather and the season. Do you need long sleeve outfits or short sleeves? When it is cold I usually do the layering- that way I feel warm, and layers usually look very stylish!

Sometimes some cute scarf can do the statement for the outfit. If it is raining, maybe you can pair the outfit to your cute umbrella?

TIP 2! Dress accordingly to the weather!

Walk a lot and look stylish!

Best travel outfits for Europe

I walk a lot when I travel because I always love to discover the place. Always think about the streets and how they are made (most places are not meant for heels or slippery soles). Many times beautiful cities have stone pavements and sometimes even a lot of climbing up and down. Choose your footwear that is comfortable but also looks great with the outfit.
In the last location, I chose my Converse sneakers for my red midi dress, and I was so thankful that I did. The pavement was very slippery, and the village was located in the mountain.

TIP 3! Have comfortable but stylish footwear


Romantic travel outfits for women

Accessories can make the difference! For me the most important is the bag- I want it to look good with the outfit, but be big enough for phone and wallet. Sometimes if the bag does not look good with the style, I will exclude it from photos. What other accessory options there are, that can elevate the look, as well as help for some coffee shop flatlays, etc.? Try hats, headbands, sunglasses, jewelry. When I travel, I like to keep things simple. I choose minimalistic and simple jewelry. However, accessories are good if you wear an aesthetic or monochromatic outfit and want to turn it into a more stylish look.

TIP 4! Use accessories

Four tips for How to style travel outfits. Is there any other fashion tip for traveling that I forgot about? Share the best tips in the comments section. Follow my social media and Youtube to not miss out on my trips and travel fashion photos.

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