How to stay active during quarantine?

How to stay active

After hearing many people hustle during this quarantine, and by hustle I mean hustle with everything, starting with binge eating, being bored, watching Youtube all day long, and last but not least- not doing any activities.

To be honest with you, I did not have a problem with this as I was very active before and when I got stuck at home, I knew that I do not want to let all my hard work to go in the trash! I set a goal for myself that I am going to stay active and keep moving because I was so scared to gain weight and get back in my very old routines! I know that it is not like that to everyone and some people are hustling a lot, therefore I wanted to give you a little bit of advice on how to stay active effortless, some tips and ideas, and teach you that it can be fun as well!

Start your day right!

In my lifetime I have realized that the most important part of the day is the morning. When I was little, mom always told me to have a good breakfast because that will give me energy for the rest of the day. That goes with everything!

Morning is so important. If you will start your day right, you are going to see such a difference during the rest of the day. Some people say that only by making their bed, it helps them with productivity for the whole day! For me, it has been sports. If I do not do sports in the morning, before anything else, most likely I will not do it in the afternoon anymore. Activities in the morning give me such adrenaline! I feel very motivated to do more later on and also as I work so much on my computer, I feel it is a good start before working on my blog.

By activities, I do not mean that you must do 1 hour of hardcore exercises. For morning the best way to wake up and think of your body is by stretching for a few minutes! Just take in your breathe and stretch out your body. Maybe some of you like meditation? I do not but if you do- go ahead. Or some yoga! Or maybe just turn on your favorite music and dance around until you cannot anymore! Imagine that energy boost!

Do breaks when working on laptop/ watching TV

Many of us work from home and on our computers the whole day, and now during quarantine even more. And even if you do not work on your computer, maybe you spend a lot of time watching TV or scrolling on your phone. It is very important to take a break!

Any time you do a task on your computer or watch one episode on TV, get up and do a few squats, for example. Stretch your arms, your neck. Do not forget to do some exercises for your eyes, yes, your eyeballs, you read it right. It is so important to exercises our eyes when they have been looking at the screen for a few hours. Remember to not get stuck on your sofa for too long, it will help your body to move better, your head not hurt and your metabolism to work!

Clean your house

It is time for you to be the first one in line to clean the house! Do not escape this because the results will not only give you a clean house but also your body is going to thank you. Whenever I do a house cleaning, I feel so tired afterward and so happy to sit down. We do not appreciate enough of how house cleaning makes us work out and move our bodies.

It seems like there are not enough movements and it does not do anything but try to clean your windows. My arms hurt and are so tired after that! Also brushing and washing your floors. So go wash your windows and update me on results later on!

Dancing queen!

Do you like to dance? I do and a lot! Dancing is a perfect way how to burn calories while having fun! If you want to make it more serious and maybe even learn some dancing moves, search for Youtube videos, and have an online dance class. If you just want to have fun and move around, turn on your favorite song and dance around as you want and how you want! You can even do that while cooking!

I do Zumba online, maybe you should search for one if you like it?

Exercise while cooking

If we talk about exercising while cooking, it is a great way how to do some calories burning while you are cooking some calories. Just do not mix these up and do not burn your food, we talk about burning calories on your body, not the pan! Tried to be funny here, let me know if it worked, haha.

I have done this myself! In days when I feel bad about not doing enough activities, I will use any free time I have (for example while waiting for my rice to boil), and do some squats or some push-ups! It can seem funny but who cares if you end up with good butt?

Exercise ideas on Pinterest or Youtube

Where to search for exercise ideas? I have some very good exercises saved up on my Pinterest board and I love to follow those up, that way each time I can do different exercises to not get tired and bored of the same ones.

Another good source is Youtube- that way you can see the videos and correct way of doing it (if you are a begginner). I would suggest finding fitness trainers who do full workout videos. I so hate the ones that do only a few seconds of each exercise. How do they imagine me following up if I need to get up to stop the video to catch up with it? Those fitness chicks must do it fully or go home, haha!

I will share some good sources that I take my inspiration from or have created it myself! Take a look and hope it helps!

Youtube video for abs and booty exercises . She is Latvian and fitness trainer.

Pinterest board for exercise ideas and motivation.

Work out ideas for your booty! Small video clips. With resistant band but it is optional

Work out ideas for your abs! Small video clips for visual.

Download apps for exercises

I do not use any exercise and fitness apps right now (except Strava for when I run or ride a bicycle). I used to use fitness apps when I do exercises at home. Firstly, they gave me motivation. It is like having a trainer who calls you all the time and says: you haven’t done exercises 2 days already! The app let me know how many days I have skipped and reminded me.

Another thing I loved is, it had the exercises made especially for my level, every time they were a little bit different what made them more interesting. Also, the level grew each time, started from lighter exercises, and went up to more difficult ones! Another bonus, it had already timer on for exercises and breaks. That way I did not need to stress myself out by turning on and off my timer on the phone!


Yes, it is important to keep yourself active and healthy but do not stress yourself out. Do not worry if some days you wake up and all you want to do is watch Netflix and play video games. It is not about forcing yourself and being active every single day! It is not necessary and not even good. Muscles need to grow, and they grow while you are having breaks.

Lately, I mostly exercise every two days. I used to feel bad about that but not I realized that whenever I do breaks, I am more motivated and work harder the next time. It is not about burning ourselves out, it is about having a healthy routine and my that it means having a plan and balance!

Let me know how your quarantine is going if it is easy for you to stay active. Maybe you have some more tips to share? Stay healthy, active, and sane! Is there anything else you are struggling with? Comment down below!

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