You want to start a blog in 2021, but you run into the wall at the moment when you knew you need to think about the name for your blog. How to name a blog in 2021? Well, the same way you would come up with a title in 2020- through pain and misery!
However, it is one of the most challenging decisions you will need to come up with on a serious note! Most likely, your blog name is going to change in the future when you grow and learn. Do not worry about it. I changed my blog name a few times, and I am still unsure if I am 100% satisfied with the name I have now. Many bloggers that I have talked to have said the same thing!

Therefore, do not feel like you are alone; finding the best blog name for you is not easy! However, I want to help and make it easier for you! How to name a blog in 2021? Let’s see together!
If you are more into videos and Youtube, I wrote a blog named How to be a Youtuber in 2021!
My blog name journey!

Firstly, for you to see that we are all in the same boat or at least have been in the same boat, I wanted to share my journey first!
I created the free blog version four or five years ago on Blogger. That time it was one of the easiest and most popular platforms! I called it Kristella beauty. Why Kristella? Because my name is Kristine and Kristella sounds like Cinderella. Beauty because I started with beauty tips and reviews. At that time, it was trendy to be a beauty influencer, blogger, and Youtuber. I got hooked up to Youtube by finding Fleur de Force, and because of her, I created my blog.
After one year, I learned that WordPress is a much better and broader domain provider. Therefore, I moved to WordPress, still using free options. By the way, I suggest you buy the domain from the beginning. Reasons why I recommend that I mentioned in my blog post What I wish I knew about blogging?

While I was writing my blog, I moved from beauty more into style and lifestyle. I realized that I am not a crazy makeup person. On most days, I choose no makeup or a very natural dewy makeup look anyways! Also, I felt like I do not have the resources to shop for beauty products all the time, while clothing is something we wear and need anyways.
Last year, when the horrible lockdowns started, I decided to buy my domain on Bluehost.

That is the time when the vast blog name thinking started! I knew I wanted something that reflects the style and beauty while still giving me a chance to write about other topics. After some weeks of thinking, I came up with Glam, but first coffee. “first coffee” because I cannot imagine my mornings without it! However, it was challenging to come up with the word before “but first coffee.” I ended up with “glam,” mostly because it comes from “glamour.” Glamour can be associated with the person, with natural or unnatural beauty, with classy women, charm, and fashion.
Ladies, quite honestly. Before I started writing this blog post, I was unsure if I love the given name. However, writing about my blog name’s history, I went on Google to find the meaning of “glamour.” The explanation that I saw made me fall in love with the blog name. I got more than I ever did before!
“ Glamour is the quality of being fascinating, alluring, or charming. If you’ve watched Marilyn Monroe on a movie screen, then you’ve witnessed glamour! The word glamour originally referred to a magical or even unreal charm or beauty attached to a person or an object.”
Therefore, I appreciate what my readers give to me. Writing to you many times gives a lot back!
General idea

You are at the moment when you decide you want to write a blog, but you need a name!
Firstly, you need to think about your blog’s general idea and what you want it to represent. Do you want the blog to represent you as an individual and include your name in it? However, maybe you want your blog to showcase only your work or hobby.
Secondly, is it a hobby or work? Some people have blogs only to sell or help to start their business. However, others write only for fun or about their pursuit.
These questions are fundamental because they are going to set a tone for your blog! If the blog is a professional consultation page, you will want it to have a more serious, direct name. On the other hand, if you are going to write about pets, then the name Paws and fur sounds just right!

What is your niche? Are you going to have a niche? In the blogging world, everyone always says that you must have a niche. I agree; it would be easier and faster for you to grow with a niche. However, if you want to write about all things that make you happy, like food recipes, interior and pets, it can be your niche too! Food, interior, and pets still can represent one niche- “home,” “cozy,” “family,” “happiness.” Maybe some of these words mentioned before can be included in your blog name?
Therefore, I do not think you must be strictly into niche! However, research what you will write about, think about all the phrases and keywords that describe it, and write them down!

After you have thought about all the topics and words representing your blog, which best describes it? Your blog name should already give a story for your readers of what it is going to be.
Is there something unique to you?

Talking about being unique, what would catch your attention? Let’s say you want to write about fashion. Style, fashion, clothing are all excellent keyword names but a little boring and universal. What the most describes your style or maybe your obsession? Do you like vintage, polka dots, dresses only, luxury, second-hand? Think about that for a second because it adds spice to your name, makes you unique and different. Also, some readers would relate to you more and think: Oh, I am not the only crazy polka dot lady; this blogger gets me!
The perfect way how you add a niche to your blog without having a niche! Loving polka dots does not mean you must write about polka dots only, but it gives your fashion blog personality!
HOWEVER, give it space to write about other topics

The world changes, and you grow as a person. Probably that is one of the reasons why I wanted to change from beauty to fashion. Even if tough times come when we are all poor, we will still need to put on clothes (or DIY potato bags), but we would most likely give up makeup.
Therefore, give it space to write about other topics! If you want to change to different topics and if you want to express your opinion about life, beauty, business.
Continuing the polka dot theme, let’s say “Life with polka dots,” “Polka dots and opinions.” Blog names like this rather than “Polka dots with style” give you variety and possibilities.

Ensure that your domain name is easy to remember, easy to write, and use in domains! As far as myself, when I want to find someone’s page, I am going to write their blog name, add .com, and hope for the best. Therefore, choose something easy to pronounce and understand even for non-English speakers.

I asked myself: should I name my blog after myself, and for personal reasons, I chose not to do that!
Firstly, think about if your name is catchy and sounds good. Secondly, is it too long and hard to pronounce? Thirdly, do you want to be a very public figure and everyone typing and searching your name online?
In my personal opinion, don’t! Your name is personal and memorable, and unique for you, but it does not mean anything to other people! The name does not tell your readers the story of what your blog will be. However, you can include your name in the blog, and I think that is entirely another solution. For example, Alisha and polka dots can be an excellent name for a blog and let you write about other topics than fashion as well!
However, it is up to you! If you want people to know you by your name, then go for it! As if you want it to be a business blog (services you would offer etc.), like consultations, your real name can make people trust in you and your company.
While doing your research, write down all the keywords, possibilities, and pair options. Do not just stick with one possibility. Play around with different combinations.

How to name a blog in 2021? Do not be afraid to talk with people and ask their opinion. Go to people you trust in, like your friends or family, and ask for their opinion! Not just giving them name options, but explain to them your vision! In business and blogs, it is essential to ask for thought from the other side.

When you have the last name or a few name options left, search it around Goggle and social media. You want to make sure that other profiles and domains do not take it. When you have a personal Instagram account, maybe you do not mind being Kristine123, but you must be sure you have the unique, only name!
Namecheap is where I researched my name to find out if the domain is free to use. I also bought my domain from Namecheap. It is better to buy your domain separately from your domain host later if you want to change the host. Therefore I have my domain from Namecheap, but the host is Bluehost.

I cannot give you actual blog name ideas because I do not believe that you should take the internet’s full name. It must come from your personality, from your uniqueness, from your heart. However, I want to provide different ways to structure their blog name, and maybe it will help you find yours!
Your name
You are using your full name. This strategy is perfect for lifestyle bloggers or someone that wants to sell goods or services.
Including your name
Including your name in the blog, the title adds personality while not giving away your whole identity.
Two favorite things paired together

HOW TO NAME A BLOG IN 2021? Many bloggers pair their two passions, hobbies, or interests together, creating their perfect, unique blog name—for example, bows and champagne, dogs and trips, sushi and books, etc.

You can also use your favorite quote as your blog name. However, make sure it is not trademarked and not too long.
It seems like my structure is the phrase: Glam, but first coffee! Find out which phrase describes your blog.
Use humor

You can use your humor, either it is dark or sarcastic. For example, Sassy girl with polka dots!
Make it up

You can also make up an entirely new name/ word that does not exist! Think about Google or other famous companies- they made their names up from scratch!
Maybe there is some funny way you call fashion or trendy person (in case you write about fashion).
You can also put together two words and create one. Remember how I told you about Kristella? It was my name Kristine paired with Cinderella (Kristella).
How to name a blog in 2021? Did I help you to find the name for your blog? I hope that my experience, stories, and tips helped you! Share your new blog name or blog name ideas in the comment section- let’s discuss it together!