How to be stylish with no money?

In this century of social media where we see beautiful people, colourful photos and very stylish outfits and clothing- we all want to be that way. We want to change up styles, and clothing and just show up differently for the people to see us and notice us. But how to be stylish with no money? How to look good if you are on a budget?

How to be stylish with no money?

At the same time, a lot of us have money or work problems (usually both). Therefore, “normal” working people cannot afford to follow up trends, change dresses every day and get the newest Gucci bag every other month! I know that I cannot but at the same time I am a very creative person and I enjoy dressing up and discover the fashion world. If you are like me, these bits of advice can help you to be stylish for fewer expenses!

Find your style

How to be stylish with no money?

To know how to be stylish with no money, you must find your style first. Firstly to know what to find and which direction to go, as well as to not get confused in the huge pile of offers, think of what style of person are you! Are you more on the Earth, classy style of person? Do you like more bohemian or street style? Maybe very girly or opposite- a tomboy kind of person? What colored clothes you like and suits you?

This will not only help for you to know what colors and items to search for, but also will help you to find the stores or brands that you should look for when you go shopping, check the prices online or search for discounts or any other offers.

Clothes that you can mix-match

How to look good if you are on a budget?

When you know about the style and colours that you want to wear and build your wardrobe around, you will want to spend more money on clothes that you can mix and match with each other! These pieces will be the main part of your closet.

These will be the statement pieces that your style and wardrobe will be built off- we will talk of this more later on.

Why it is important to have items to mix-match? Because that way you have to buy less clothing, and with less clothing, you will be able to create many different looks and outfits! It helps to save up money and the money spent for these items is greatly spent! This is one of the best tips on how to be stylish with no money! I have learned it only now and that has helped me a lot!

Build your wardrobe around statement pieces

Low budget style tips

Another great tip on how to be stylish with no money! So what are the statement pieces? Statement pieces are the base of your wardrobe. For example, for me, statement pieces are a good pair of jeans, good quality leggings (usually leather), black dress, leather jacket, few basic tops.

Statement pieces are the ones you are going to wear the most and mix-match with other pieces- may be more trendy pieces or more colorful pieces that you are going to change up all the time according to your trend, mood or situation. Statement pieces are also the ones that you want to make sure that is going to last a long time, be very good quality and you are going to wear a lot more than other clothes. Therefore, these are the pieces that you need to spend a little more money on (not always though, I get very good jeans on discounts. But just to state a point that it is important for these pieces to be very good quality).

Good quality clothes will always give a more luxurious look. Make sure the jeans are good quality material, basic tops are not seen-through and that the stitches are not being seen!

Be trendy with low budget

How to be stylish with no money?

How to be stylish with no money? Do not buy trendy pieces for a lot of money! What goes for trends (special design clothes, trendy colours or patches, details, etc), spend less money on these! Why? Simple, you will get bored whenever it will pass by and not reach for these clothes as much! The trend will pass by and you slowly will want another trend!

There are so many stores, outlets and high-street stores that will offer you trendy clothing for fewer expenses. I fell for the chunky Fila sneakers trend- I am short and small so this trend was perfect for me! I went to this small boutique and bought similar white sneakers for 15EUR. Would I still be happy to own Fila sneakers? Yes, but I cannot afford it! Also, this is a great way to understand if and how much you are going to wear it! For example, I wear my white sneakers a lot now, therefore I know that I would be happy if I could afford real Fila sneakers- but I will just dream for now!

Accessories are your besties

How to be stylish if you are on a budget?

Accessories are the tricky one. You can change your whole outfit by accessories- by changing up earrings, hats, scarves, bags or bags. Therefore I would say that for fun and not-every-day accessories I would not advise to spend a lot of money- buy fun accessories to change up according to the style you go for or buy them in high street stores. Daily, everyday accessories do buy better quality and spend a little more to make sure you have a good pair of accessories.

Accessories I would spend more money are: everyday, classy bag (I have Kate Spade everyday bag) and Guess bag (that is a little more casual). Good pair of sunglasses (I have a Guess one again, they last me at least 5 years already). Shoes- definitely a good pair of daily shoes because feet health is so important and you do not want to understand in 20 years that you messed up your feet because of this error. I usually wear Adidas Superstar sneakers every day and I have a pair of good winter boots!

Search for discounts

If you are on a budget, always search for discounts

Know your favourite clothing stores and brands that are up your alley and follow up on their discounts! There are always discounts everywhere. Sometimes even when the new line appears in the stores, you just need to wait one or two weeks for it to be discounted- so do not rush but wait a little bit for your dream item to be on sale!

Make a wish list (shopping list)

Make a shopping list before going shopping.

As you make a shopping list for your groceries, do the same for your clothes. That way you will not buy anything extra that is on discounts and you do not need it! Look over your clothes in the closet and think about what you need and want to upgrade it! Maybe that is some trendy item of this season, or basic tops, maybe something else!

You can even go so far as to check online pages of stores and see which items, in which stores you like the best- keep screenshots of items and when you visit the store in real life- you will know exactly what to find!

Find local stores and businesses (outlets)

If you want to be different, have a little bit different items than most of the people and have a decent quality as well- I would advise finding for the local stores or outlets in your region! I know about the most important local stores and outlets around me and there are some that I always visit the first hand before I go anywhere else because I can find very good quality items in my style for a good price. It really helps and that way you do not need to run around the world confused- because everyone will try to sell you something.

Do not be afraid of thrift shops, second-hand or markets

Shop in second hand and thrift shops to save money but still look stylish

I know it can seem to some people very disturbing to shop in these kinds of shops or markets but you can find very good gems! Even in second-hand stores can sometimes find new or barely used brand clothing! Another thing that I discovered here in Spain is amazing and good quality markets. It is like a tradition- every city and village has one! In these markets can find fake branded items from Africa but also very good local shoes and clothing for a very reasonable price. I once bought 2 beautiful pillows for the living room (2 for 5 Eur) and a clutch bag for 3 Eur. Isn’t that a great deal? So I want you to step out of shame or comfort zone, and expand your mind!

What clothes I would not spend a lot of money on?

How to be stylish with no money?

White clothes because they can get dirty and worn out very quickly. I would also be careful about patterns and colourful clothing because usually it is not worn as much and sometimes I get bored of it much faster! As I mentioned before, some brands- like cold shoulders, chunky sneakers or ring bags.

These are all the tips on how to be stylish with no money! What advice will you take and use in action?

Read more fashion tips

LAST YOUTUBE VIDEO. PCOS, weight loss and having kids

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