How to be safe and happy as a military girlfriend? This will not be my usual blog post. Normally I write about fashion, beauty, and maybe some travel spots. You are more than welcome to read those posts and subscribe to my blog if that is what interests you! However, today I wanted to share my experience and knowledge and also give some tips to fellow military girlfriends or military wives.
Not many people understand that being with a man in the military puts on a certain responsibility. However, now with social media, and women sharing their life publicly, we forget about it and that is how we put not only our men in danger, but also ourselves.
I am in no way saying I am perfect, and I am still learning and improving to be the best military girlfriend possible- responsible, supportive, elegant and feminine. However, I wanted to share some important safety tips and also help you if your man is on a mission, and you are lonely at home! Grab some snacks, and wine and let’s go ahead!
Safety in the military is the No.1- also for families!

- Do not share your man’s location or dates! I think this does not need explanation.
- Do not tell anyone you are alone, for how long time you will be alone etc. This is especially important for women who share their life online. Be careful what stories you put up, do they show that you are alone or will be alone for some time?
- Be careful! With this I mean, think twice when you leave the house or whatever you do. Did I turn off the stove? Did I lock the doors? You have no man to protect you, or look after you, so you need to be more careful than usually!
- Let people you trust (your family, best friend) know about the situation and that you are alone. Just in case something happens to you, you do not respond or you get sick, there are people that can check up on you!
- Try to not leave the house or be out late at night. I know that some people work at night, but if you have an option, just return home in time.
- Do not go party with friends and get drunk. Firstly, respect yourself and your man! Secondly, when clubs and alcohol are involved, a lot of dangerous and bad things can happen as a result. You do not need that. If you want to hang out with your friends, go for a brunch, go to museums, go have a coffee.
- Let your man know where you are and what you are doing when you are not at home. I always let my man know where I am going to, what I will be doing and then I let him know when I am back home and safe.
Home alone? How to not go crazy as a military girlfriend?

- Have a pet! I only suggest this for those that can afford a pet, have a home for a pet and know all their needs, as well as understand that he will probably be there for the next 10+ years. Therefore, please do not get a pet if you are just bored now for the next six months, and then you will not know what to do with it! However, having a bunny at home makes my life so much better. Just having someone that makes noise, comes for cuddles and ask for treats helps with being alone.
- Write a journal, diary, or blog. Writing helps with all the emotions and thoughts you have. Usually, other people will not understand your struggle, stress or worries, and many times you do not want to share them with other people. Therefore, I suggest writing a journal whenever you are sad, angry, or confused… Or sometimes it can just be about what you did or ate!
- Do sports/dancing/yoga. Find an activity (or activities) that you like, and stay active. Activities help with mental health, will keep you busy, and healthy and take your thoughts away.
- Turn on the music and dance! Another therapy that helps me is to turn on my favourite music and dance!
- Learn new recipes. I always try something new when my boyfriend is away. It is just the time for me to spend time learning and improving as a woman. The best part, if you mess up, there are no witnesses!
- Find a hobby or learn a language! Having new hobbies not only will make you busy, you can even find new friends with similar interests.
- Read books. I wrote a blog post about my favourite books for women- motivational books and fashion books!
- Watch cheesy movies that he hates. This is the time to watch all your favourite cheesy female movies without anyone judging! Need inspiration? Read the blog post!
- Go to cultural events! Invite your friends or go alone to museums, events, and concerts.
Team work makes a dream work!

- Make plans with your S.O. for when he returns. For example, make hotel or restaurant reservations, and plan vacations. That will make you both more excited about the homecoming.
- Call, message and video chat as much as possible. (Good morning and good night messages is a must)
- Share with each other your plans for today, tomorrow, what you will have for lunch etc. Talking about these small details that usually you experience together, will make you feel like you are close together and that you care about each other’s day and plans.
- Share photos and videos of yourself, your day, and your activities. Or share some jokes and memes- will lift the spirit!
- Don’t stop flirting! 🙂
- Always be honest, truthful and faithful to each other!