How to be a YouTuber in 2021? Tips and secrets

How to be a YouTuber in 2021? I share my Youtube tips and secrets that I have learned from others throughout the last two years. In the end, I am going to share a few Youtube secrets that no one talks about, but that can affect your engagement a lot!

How to be a YouTuber in 2021? Tips and secrets

If you want to start your YouTube channel but have not already- what are you waiting for, dear? This lockdown and 2021 is the best year to try out new things and reach for your dreams! Life is short; throw the fear away and challenge yourself! Upload your first video, and do not think about it. The only thing I want you to do is to comment down below that you did it! However, firstly let’s dive into some tips and secrets on how to be a YouTuber in 2021 that may help you along the way!

Have a niche!

become a Youtuber tips and tricks

I am ashamed to tell you about the niche when I am a lifestyle fashion blogger who does not have a direct niche! However, if you are passionate about one topic and want to grow faster, it is highly advisable to have a niche! Do not take a very narrow niche like “pink-themed fashion” but also not too broad!

Having a niche will also create binge-worthy content, which will help your channel grow twice as fast! Youtube loves to understand what your channel is about and suggest it to other people.

What is the goal and value of your Youtube channel?

how can I become a successful Youtuber?

Before starting your Youtube channel, try to answer these questions: What are people searching for online? Is there some niche that is missing on Youtube? How can you help people with your knowledge? What is your ideal audience that is going to watch your channel?

Think about the passion or knowledge you have and how it can affect and help people! Do you have makeup skills? Fast and easy recipes? Maybe you have the best style ideas from old clothing?

Schedule to be consistent

How to start a Youtube channel?

How to be a YouTuber in 2021? Consistency! Any blogger and YouTuber is going to tell you that consistency is the key! Youtube algorithm loves consistency and people that post all the time. Being consistent can mean different things; for one person, it will be one video a week; for another person, it can be two or three videos a week! Therefore, it is essential to analyze how much time you have and how much you can give to your YouTube channel! I would suggest you start with one video. Always remember that it is better to have one high-quality video, rather than two very bad videos!

To be consistent and make it easier, I suggest you schedule your videos and pre-film your videos, and schedule for your Youtube channel. Scheduling will help you in case some week you are sick or go on vacation; you are going to know that you have already video scheduled that are going up! I try always to have one week of expected videos on my channel already.

Every month plan the content and topics of your videos. Planning will make sure you will always have topic ideas and plan for when the filming day comes!

“Consistency is the key”

Write a plan before

the ultimate guide on being a Youtuber

Always write a rough plan for your video before filming it. I learned this the hard way! When I started my Youtube channel, I just started filming, and that is it! However, now I write down a plan of essential details, links, or anything I need to mention and write what kind of shots I need to film. Do I need to film close-ups of the product? Maybe I need to records a screenshot? Everything necessary that I need to remember to do and what would make the video more valuable!

When you have a plan, the filming process is short and a lot faster. Without the plan, filming can take a lot longer and also the quality is not as high!

Good quality thumbnails

Youtube career success tips

I used to make thumbnails from videos! Do you know how YouTubers many times have those funny clips when they freeze for the thumbnails? I did not even do that! However, never do that because it is not professional and the quality will not be as good! What I do now is to shoot photos for my thumbnail. However, that is not it! You also need to edit them, make them bright enough, find your style (and stick to it)! As well as, do not forget to add short but catchy thumbnail text! Be sure it is well seen and not too low in the corners (it is where the timestamp is)!

Good Keywords and description

secrets about being a youtuber that no one tells you about

Whenever I upload my videos on Youtube, I do keywords research. I write down on Google search, and Youtube search bars my topic and then find another related keyword, phrases, and tags! How does it help? It helps SEO or Search Engine optimization (which means more people will see your video). Use these phrases and keywords in your description as well as the tags window!

Promotion is at least 50% of success!

how to start with Youtube?

How to be a YouTuber in 2021? Promote it every single day! SEO is essential for people to find your videos and choose yours instead of someone else. However, it is vital to grow your audience on social media and let them know whenever you upload! The first few hours of uploading your video are crucial for your engagement. YouTube considers if your videos have many views in the early hours and will push it for more people.

However, if we talk about social media, Pinterest is one of the best. Pinterest is like a search engine, and your pins are always there for people to see, find and click on them. More about Pinterest you can see on my video here. TikTok is an excellent source as it is still easy to reach a lot of people on TikTok. You can create a small promotional video about your Youtube videos and promote them there! Then obviously Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. I would suggest to try them all and see what works the best for you!

Women's day fashion, outfits and tee shirts. Small business launch for spring.

Youtube secrets no one tells you!

Schedule videos by the upcoming date!

steps to take in order to be a Youtuber

Be careful of how and when you schedule your videos! For example, if you plan a video for Tuesday and Thursday, start with the date closer to yours (in this case, Tuesday). I found this from one YouTuber that she once got terrible engagement because she took her from the date further away and affected her channel! I have never seen another person talking about this but pay attention!

Make them short 8-10 minutes, preferably

Youtube tips for a new Youtuber

We all know that it is the TikTok generation- that means very short and fast videos telling your point! Youtube changed their minimum of 10 minutes to 8 minutes if you want to put on ads! It means if you have an 8-minute video or more, then you can select and put how you want your ads on Youtube to appear! I used to try to make 15-minute videos maximum but now went to 8- 10 minute videos. However, Youtube prefers longer videos than shorter ones in their algorithm, but it is easier to keep people’s attention on shorter videos! Therefore, 8 to 10 minutes is perfect for people to feel like you are not wasting their time!

These are all the tricks of HOW TO BE A YOUTUBER In 2021? Hopefully, my Youtube tips and secrets helped you, and most importantly, do not be scared and go for your dreams! The essential thing in life is doing what you love, and maybe one day, this hobby can turn into a profession!

Follow my Youtube channel here, I will follow back the first followers! Let’s grow and learn together!

Read more blogging and business tips here.

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