How to be a successful fashion blogger? Some year ago I wrote a very basic blog post about how to be a fashion blogger (with general information about blogging and how to start your blogging journey). However, today I will dive deeper into some facts about fashion bloggers, tips that I have learned over time, the biggest mistakes that fashion bloggers do, and share some great influencer programs that will help you create content, and monetise your blog or social media to get paid.

Last but not least, these tips and suggestions are not only for fashion bloggers. It can be adjusted to any topic and niche that you blog about (especially beauty and lifestyle). Fashion blogging Is my niche, therefore it is what I am the closest to and know the most!

HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL FASHION BLOGGER IN 2022? how to blog in 2022? Ultimate guide to blogging

The blog post includes affiliate links. I receive a small commission that does not cost anything from you, but it supports me and helps me give you free content! Thank you for your support.

What is a fashion blogger?


What is a fashion blogger or fashion influencer? The definition says it is a person who writes articles and blog posts about fashion, sharing photos of style and outfits. Fashion blogging is not the same as being a fashion influencer. Blogging means you have a blog that no one can take from you, but influencers usually only have social media.

Who was the first fashion blogger?

I read on the WhoWhatWear blog, the first-ever fashion blogger was “BryanBoy” or Bryan Yambao. He started his blog at the age of 24.

Who is the richest fashion blogger?

Chiarra Ferragni is a fashion blogger that earns about $8 million a year.

What skills do you need to be a fashion blogger?

HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL FASHION BLOGGER IN 2022? Tips for fashion bloggers

You need to love what you do or you will give up easily. I even know people who were great in fashion blogging, but they lost motivation and one day just gave up. Be patient because it is not easy money! If you want to do this for money, then better do not even start. You also need to be hardworking because as it is not a quick coin and there are many in the industry waiting in line for you to fail, you need to step up the game! Always learn and grow, do online courses, read a lot of books to be knowledgeable about fashion. Fashion bloggers also need to know the basics about technology, lights, and photography. Last but not least, you are a blogger, so need to know and learn more about how to work on a blog, SEO and keyword research, and more.

How do fashion bloggers get paid?

How to monetize your blog?

There are many ways how fashion bloggers get paid. Firstly, by placing ads on their blog. I have Google ads, but I know some people do not like them! Secondly, collaborations. Collaborations with brands can give a lot of income, but it is usually one or two time deal with one brand. However, be sure to not just have collaboration posts, because then your blog will look like an ad.

Third and the most famous monetising that you do not need a minimal following is affiliate marketing. I like to place banners in my blog posts, as well as include links to products that I suggest. However, I also place and pin affiliate links on Pinterest and social media (like Instagram stories or Facebook).

How to be a successful fashion blogger?

What will be your main platform?

How to get paid when blogging?

Think about which will be the main platform, that you are going to work on. We are talking about blogging, and I will always suggest getting your blog. Firstly, the blog is more professional, gives more value, and needs more knowledge to do. Secondly, social media is not yours and can disappear any day!

However, you still need social media to engage with your audience and promote your blog posts. Therefore, choose your primary social media platforms and have the rest of them for occasional posting or as another option.

Plan, schedule, and set goals


How to be a successful fashion blogger? Plan, schedule, and set goals since the beginning of your blog. Firstly, plan and think about your yearly schedule. It means to give yourself general content ideas, seasonal content ideas you should not forget about, and so on. That means writing your monthly plan when you should do Halloween costume ideas, New Year outfit guide, bikini reviews, etc.

Secondly, each month write down a more detailed plan and schedule, analyse the last month, and set goals! Thirdly, I make a plan each week as well for the next week, which makes me more prepared. Last but not least, write down the plan each day! The day plan is usually more detailed. Sometimes I even include cleaning or self-care in breaks so I would not forget about it.

Work for your audience

How to start a fashion blog in 2022?

I never understood what means to work for your audience, but it is exactly what it means. Is your audience 18-20-year-olds? Then you should post more about affordable and budget-friendly options, and tips on how to save up on clothing. If your audience is mostly women around their 30s, then post more about the working environment and elegant fashion tips. However, take into consideration also their professions and demographics. For example, my audience is mostly Petite women in their 30s that are interested in fashion. How to be a successful fashion blogger- never forget who gives you money!

Join influencer and affiliate marketing programs

The best influencer programs and affiliate marketing programs

When you start blogging, you need to search for affiliate programs of brands, and products you already use. An affiliate program means that you share specific codes or links, and when someone purchases using your link, you get a small commission from that.

Affiliate marketing programs that I suggest

LiketoknowIt or LTK is one of the best and most serious affiliate programs that work like a store itself! The program works with hundreds if not thousands of different brands and designers- fashion, beauty, interior, and more.

When I joined, I needed to get a sale and 60 followers in the first 9 months. It was stressful, but If you are active, it is not difficult. You can also join LTK groups on Facebook to get those first followers.

Being active on LTK means posting preferably 4-5 posts a day that is trendy, seasonal, or related to your niche that your audience is interested in. Read articles on the LTK page and watch their video because they are filled with tips on how to grow faster.

I suggest pinning them also on Pinterest and sharing them on social media but in a natural way.

The next app and program I work with since the beginning is Brandbassador. I know many people say it is fake or a scam but let’s be honest- the app is not interested in just giving away free money doing nothing, or also they cannot have high-level collaborations with everyone who joins. Joining Brandbassador is easy, but only you are responsible for working hard, making sales, gaining freebies and commissions. However, if you do, then you will be awarded. I was even nominated as the best PopSockets ambassador of 2021 and got a full box of gifts.

However, the real secret of the app is that it has some hidden brands that I discover one by one!
Therefore, I will share links to the Brandbassador in general and then to some of the hidden fashion brands that I have discovered (you need to click on each link to send the application).

In general, brands that work with Brandbassador are Ideal of Sweden, Proviz Sports, Adina’s jewels, Popsockets, Fabletics, and more.

However, the hidden brands I discovered are Daniel Wellington and NA-KD fashion. (click on each name to join).

Best ways to monetize your blog and earn money

A very famous program is the Amazon Influencer program or just the affiliate program. However, the Amazon program starts to lose its fame due to small commissions and difficulties to apply and stay there (they have a lot of rules).

However, recently I joined the Influencer Program and created my storefront. It works similarly to the LTK program. I will see how this works out because it looks and feels more professional and put together.

Share A sale program, and Awin are other famous affiliate programs. I prefer affiliate programs that work with a lot of brands, so I would not be too confused jumping between hundreds of different websites. Share a sale and Awin are great because they give you different banner options, but you can also contact the brand offering special deals or collaboration.

YesStyle influencer program I discovered last year. Another brand and page that people say is a scam. However, nothing will happen without a plan, goal, and hard work. I have received around 10 packages from them already, as well as gaining around $100 in commission, you can do it as well! They even have a great quality in most items, and if you want even better quality choose Korean brands. To receive items faster, shop from in-stock items. Another great tip, follow their YesStyle Influencers Instagram page because they have a lot of giveaways and lotteries for influencers on there, and it is usually easy to win. YesStyle offers fashion clothes, Korean beauty, interior products, products for pets, and gifts.

If you are a Petite fashion blogger, join the Dane Fashion affiliate program! The owner is nice and supportive, the brand is small but has great items!

Pitch yourself to brands

How to pitch yourself to brands and get collaborations?

Do not be shy and pitch yourself to brands. Preferably brands you already use and wear and can give them proof that you like them! Be direct to the point, do not get too much into details, and focus on them- give them content ideas specific to their style, but let them also know why they should choose you (your audience, demographics, and engagement rate).

Calculate the engagement rate on this page.

The best way is to create a Media kit and rate card to send out to brands. Use Canva to create a media kit (they already have templates). I use the free version of Canva for everything.

Be you and show your personality


How to be a successful fashion blogger? Be yourself! It is so important to be yourself and show your personality. People like real and natural bloggers that are true to them and talk to them like their best friends. I know that many people do not want to show their faces. However, to be professional, responsible, and on the top of your game- you must show yourself and interact with your audience. It is always difficult when you start. The struggle and overthinking are real. However, you need to overcome the fear, your self-doubt, and do it. The fashion and beauty industry, in general, is very strict and “harsh” but if you already struggle in the beginning, you will have a lot of problems in the future.

Engage organically with your audience

Last but not least how to be a successful fashion blogger, and engage with your audience. Do not forget who got you where- your followers and audience. Reply to your follower story interactions, and to comments, and from time to time, go and like or comment on their posts- make them feel special!

Edit your content

How to be a fashion influencer?

Boost the quality of your photos by editing your photos! Do not overdo it, as natural photos now are in style, and especially when it comes to your face or body- we can see edited bodies. However, editing works great to give yourself some unique and special style and have all the photos in the same style. Most crucial is to use editing apps (I love Lightroom) for adding some colour to the photo, making it brighter and sharper.

Biggest mistakes fashion bloggers do

Mistakes to avoid as a fashion blogger

Engagement groups

Do not join any engagement groups and if you are in them- delete all of them! Engagement groups will get you a few likes and spammy comments that give you a fake feeling of having a good engagement. However, in reality, it ruins your algorithms and engagement, and people who would be interested in your content do not even find you! Instagram sees everything you do, and punishes you for that! A better way is to engage with your followers 30 minutes before your post and 30 minutes after you post it will give organic engagement.

Do not use follow and unfollow apps

What errors and mistakes to avoid as a blogger in 2022

Another thing that Instagram always sees, is if you use other apps that are against their policy, and unfollow apps that are against the policy. These apps can make you blocked from Instagram. Only follow people you want to, and do not worry who follows or unfollows you!

Buying followers or likes

I do not need to explain this- just do not because it can again make you blocked and ruin your engagement. How to be a successful fashion blog? Be honest in front of yourself!

Too sexual


Except If you are some sex expert or blogger- do not be too sexual! Again, think about which is your dream audience- women or men? Women ( straight women) are not interested in your sexual content, flirty looks, butt, and chests non-stop on your feed! Before you attack me, there are at least two ways how you can show off a bikini! First is giving real vacation vibes, smiles, happy and positive faces, and, where you can see the bikini (aka fashion). Secondly, sexual and provocative vibes, and positions, where one cannot even see the bikini.

The same applies to lingerie. I have worked with lingerie brands, and I love working with them because they give me confidence. However, even professional lingerie brands do not want you to look cheap and provocative, they want you to tell the story with your picture, give cozy vibes. Brands have started asking bloggers and influencers about their follower gender ratio. Therefore, many influencers start stressing out because they do not realise that men will not buy their bikinis and bralettes! Sorry but you must be professional, and every action gives a different reaction and feedback!

No value, no content or context only photos

What should you know about fashion blogging?

Another problem of many influencers is that they only post aesthetic photos. Yes, the feed looks great and professional, but it does not work anymore and is not enough! People want to learn from you or get some information. No-caption and cute photos do not help anymore. Many love, not only value but prefer natural, and real in-the-moment photos moreover planned perfect photos. I have noticed that on my Instagram as well!

Saying yes to anyone who sends an e-mail

tips and tricks for a new blogger

How to be a successful fashion blogger- be professional! Have standards! Do not pay any cent for “collaboration”! When an influencer starts their social media presence, they feel special for any DM or attention from the brand. Most of these brands are spammy Ali-express brands that offer you “free” products, and you must pay for the shipping. Never pay for anything! Last but not least, in general, set your standards high and be professional when working with brands. Do not accept every free product just because it is free. Think about if that is for your niche and if your audience would be interested.

Last but not least, I want to invite you to follow my Instagram as I share some tips and secrets on stories, as well as my Amazon storefront (because I shared the best motivational books and technology I use to blog). These were all my tips on HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL FASHION BLOGGER. However, if you have questions, comment down below!


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