I decided to share more of my experience and way on how to be a blogger, but specifically on how to be a fashion lifestyle blogger. What is a fashion lifestyle blogger? A lifestyle blogger that blogs about many subjects but as the main one being fashion and style. Many people are going to tell you that nowadays being a lifestyle blogger is a tough way and they are not lying. Therefore I decided to give you some tips on how to be a lifestyle blogger but still stick on your niche.
This article is ultimate guide for beginner fashion lifestyle bloggers (as well as other niche bloggers). A general guide of basics that you will need to start your blog.

A lifestyle blogger with a niche
When I started blogging some years ago, I started as a beauty blogger. It was something in trend and I did not think a lot about it, I only knew I want to share reviews with my audience. A few months ago when I decided to finally buy my domain, I knew I had to change something. I was not sharing so much beauty reviews anymore, but more about a healthy and positive lifestyle in general. That included lifestyle, traveling, product sharing as well as outfit photos.

When I realized I should have some kind of niche. Here I will tell you why. People will most likely follow you and find you if they will understand you are good in some topic (niche). They are going to trust you if you share travel tips, fashion style advice or beauty reviews and makeup looks. Not all of it together. Not only that. When you already have some collection of blog posts, and if they are related to one each other, Google and all the search engines are going to suggest you to other people. As well as they will be more interested to go from one of your blog posts to another and binge read all your blog posts.
How to choose your niche?

Therefore when you decide about the niche you must think about two important things. Do not make the niche too broad nor too small. Even though I think I do have it too broad but it is the best I could do, as I just do so many things in my life. IF you are more interested in luxurious style, you can only share that. However, if you like to search for bargains and discounts and show affordable fashion, you could share your experience and tips with others. Or maybe you have a huge accessories collection and are obsessed with that? Then you can share some accessories style tips and shopping experience with others!
Mine is just fashion and style in general. I chose fashion because I realized that all people wear clothes, style can be incorporated into vlogging videos, into traveling and lifestyle in general! I can talk about any topic while posting a picture of myself. In the end, it would still be an outfit post.
Edit in January 2022. I finally found my niche! My main topic is Petite Fashion, and then casually I will share cruelty-free beauty brands and facts. Petite fashion is where I can give a lot of value and makes me excited. However, cruelty-free beauty is what is my passionate and I want everyone to go 100% cruelty-free. Therefore, you see it can take years to find your niche. Play around, see what excites you and where you can give your value!
Be passionate!

Whatever you do and whenever you think about the topic, you must be passionate about it. A lot of bloggers write about the topics that have a lot of demand and that way they get a lot of traffic. However, I would suggest finding the middle road. Write about things you love and are interested in, do research, solve problems and people are going to read it! Even about the style, I can imagine that you can always find topics that are trending. For example, in difficult crisis times, writing tips on how to use your old wardrobe, how to shop second-hand, etc.
Most importantly, be passionate and love what you do!
A fun name that tells what your blog is about

Your blog will need to have a name. Firstly, write down the options of your blog name. Make sure it gives an insight for your audience what your blog is about. Do not make it difficult, it should be catchy and fun at the same time. Make it easier because remember that it is going to be your domain name.
Name ideas should be also a little bit broad in case you want to expand or change your niche later on. For example, therefore mine is Glam, but first coffee! Therefore, my audience understands I talk about glam things like beauty and style but the coffee part lets me talk about daily life, struggles, and lifestyle.
When that is done, go on Namecheap and search if your domain is available and no one else has it. Remember that you will most likely want to have social media as well. Therefore, search for the name around social media as well.
Domain and host

Now the only thing left is to buy your domain and host. The domain you should buy on Namecheap, it is cheap and easy! However, buy a host from another company so in case you want to change it later, it will be easier. The most common hosts are Bluehost and Siteground. Bluehost is great for beginners and it is cheaper and does not get as expensive with the second year. Siteground is a little bit better quality and offers more. If you are not on a budget, I would suggest Siteground. With a tight budget, Bluehost is great too! Their customer service has helped me so much. If you are not a very tech person, then it is a huge bonus.


Now when all the first steps are done, it is time to create great blog posts. One of the most important rules is to be consistent. I would suggest starting small because at the beginning it all will seem too much and will take more time. For example, start with one blog post a week! Decide which day and time to upload and stick to it- consistency is very important. When you are one month in, go for two times a week! Then see from there, if you can do more, do more but it must be quality content as well! Find the perfect place in between!
I have only recently made a perfect schedule with my blog. I write my blog posts on Mondays and schedule them for the next week already. That way I know that it is all planned and scheduled. Try to write blog posts in advance. In my experience, everything can happen, like getting sick, no Internet, etc. It will make you always be on time, and be more professional.
Bulk actions (planning)

I already touched on how important scheduling is. Another tip that helps loads and I discovered recently is bulk planning. Bulk actions make you do more than normal because you focus only on one action! For example, on Mondays, I write my blog posts. On Tuesdays, I film Youtube videos (and edit them if I have time). Wednesdays are for finishing to edit videos.
Thursdays are for doing anything extra and more that I do not have time for. That being said, for example, to learn more, to do freebies. Anything extra that helps my blog to grow. Fridays I try to leave for making pins, more work on social media, and kind of wrap up works. Sometimes on Fridays, I already make plans and scheduling for the next week. Find your best plan and schedule and stick to it!
This is a job and not a hobby

Remember that if you want to be successful you need to look at blogging as a serious job. Not just tell or think it is a job but act like it. Something that planning and scheduling made me finally realize.
Wake up early, plan your days good, have working hours, and breaks in between. Create your office space! Look at it as your business. The mindset will help you succeed much more!
Good quality photos

Not many mention photos but good quality photos are key. You can start by adding photos from stock image pages. I use Unsplash for this. That way at first your will have more time to write content and not think about photos. However, personal photos are always better because it shows that you know what you are talking about. Individual photos make you look more professional. Let’s say you write about travel destinations. If you add your photos, your readers will know you were in reality there. When writing about some specific brand clothes, if you post pictures of outfits you have, the audience will know you have them and know what you are talking about.
Stick to your niche (at least 70-90%)

How to be a fashion lifestyle blogger? Stick to your fashion niche. I needed to repeat this again and again. I write mostly about fashion and style, but I do love other topics like beauty and travel. What I do is, I will write three articles about fashion then add one about beauty or travel. On Pinterest, I have mostly style and fashion boards but then I have one about makeup looks. I see it as sharing experience and gaining knowledge in one field but for loyal fans that want to know more about you, you share other parts of you.
However, if you want to write only about your niche, do it! It is only going to help you. I know that I cannot because I like so many things and have experienced so much that I want to share it all.
Seo is Search Engine optimization. With that being said, how people find you on search engines like Google. To write about SEO I would need a whole month. But to say in a few words, you need to pay attention to your keywords and key phrases. I would suggest you get Yoast plugin that helps you with SEO and gives al little bit of guidance. If you want to know more about SEO, comment down below and I am going to dedicate one only for SEO.
How to be a fashion lifestyle blogger? In that matter, how to be blogger in general. Need to learn and study SEO. All bloggers is going to tell you that but SEO is a big headache as well. Difficult and definitely need some practice as well.
Socialize, share, pin

Now when you have created some articles with your audience, you will need to share them. First months no one is going to find them on Google or anywhere. Therefore, you need to be present on social media and especially Pinterest. Pinterest is perfect because it works like a search engine where people search for ideas and motivation.
Your pins and posts never disappear on Pinterest. Therefore people can even find your posts after a year and you still get views on old posts. Create different boards around your topics, pin other people pins, and create your own! If you are interested to know more about how to work with Pinterest SEO, let me know and I am going to create an article about that!
Did you get some insight on how to be a fashion lifestyle blogger? I wanted to give a small, general insight of things that bloggers do and need to learn about. Hoping that this helps you understand how blogging works. For more tips and information, subscribe to my blog and write in comments what you want to know!

READ more to learn more!
- Motivational books for success you must read
- How did I start blogging?
- Devices for blogging and Youtube