How do influencers affect body image? How funny that this blog post goes live right on my 29th birthday? I want to talk on my platform not only about fun stuff like fashion and beauty but also about serious and important things. This is bothering me for a long time and I wanted to talk with you about how influencers affect body image. We talk about beauty but let’s talk about real and fake beauty. This is as important if not more than talking about makeup and skincare.
It is important how influencers affect body image but it is also good to know how to avoid it. What can we do to break this circle and how not let it affect us. After all, many times we cannot change the world but we can change the perspective on how we receive it and what information do we decide to read and spend our time on! All of this is just my thoughts and opinion on the topic of body image, how the modern world has changed it, how influencers and society affect our body image! You are allowed to have your own opinion and in fact, I would want to know about it in the comments down below.

What is the problem?
Firstly, what is the problem? Lately, social media is getting more and more popular, influencers are promoting luxurious lifestyles and different brands more than magazines or television, more children use social media than ever before. I remember how I had low self-esteem when I was very young and it was only because of society and girls in school. I cannot imagine what teenagers and children go through right now when an image of a woman is very sexualized and being very fake, face tunes, fake bodies, and photoshop. Most of the women are being rated by her body and the size of boobs or butt. The worst part is, it goes within the tendency. Now big butts are in trend but in 5 years it could be big boobs (then I will be in trend).
Surgeries and boob jobs

I read in a magazine that younger and younger women start using botox and also boob implants are being used when 18-20. Guess what? Botox does not all go away. When you will be 30-40, it starts to peak out from your forehead and it will be very ugly. I do not imagine that it is what a skin expert with 20 years of experience has told me! Let’s talk about boob jobs. Many boob jobs go very wrong and women regret doing it. Some get huge issues after years that deeply affect health. Some implants blow up inside the body intoxicating it!
Let’s be clear here! Your body, you choose what to do with it! However, it starts to be a problem when you are a public figure and 13-year-old teenagers looking at you! Some of these influencers still lie about their boob jobs or liposuction. They still say their butt naturally looks like a whale and their boobs like a basketball! It does not matter that nip looks in the sky that naturally is not possible.
Aging and living

Secondly, what makes me very sad, women are more anxious about their age and life path. Women use botox all around the face to hide their wrinkles, small wrinkles, cry wrinkles, their history! Face and wrinkles are like your CV, it is like your biography and I think it is beautiful! Why are you ashamed of it? Ashamed of happiness wrinkles that means you are having a happy life?
Why are you ashamed of scars that show how strong you are? And all the mothers out there, stretch marks are for strong women and their bodies. Ladies, these all mentioned before are witnesses of a beautiful and fulfilled life, life that many would give everything for a life like that! How many cannot have children? How many have an illness that no scars and surgeries will help?
Brands and their stock images

This is something that annoys me every time I see a new online shop on Instagram or I want to do some shopping. I would love to know if you are annoyed by this as much as I am! More and more brands and different stores use boob implant models with fake body image to model for their page. I cannot see how clothes look like on a real person. Many of these stores have bad quality thin clothing that on a woman like that, that does not need any support, looks amazing. If I would buy it for my natural body, it would look horrible.
I wanted to add this part because it makes me mad, any natural looking woman with curves or without gives me a more realistic image than these barbies that all have the same body!
Why is it a problem?

We already touched on the point of why this is a problem! Influencers are responsible for who follows them! Many times they make fun content like pranks or lifestyle vlogs which teenagers are interested in. Once I went to the comment section of one of these influencers that used too much face tune and photoshop and it was sad to read.
A lot of girls were writing: I wish I looked like you, I wish I had your body, I wish I had smooth skin like yours… These girls do not know yet about FaceTune or Photoshop and if they do, they are not still drawing points together. Most of them do not even look bad, they are great and natural-looking women but they make themselves look fake and plastic on Instagram.
The worst part is, it only shows that they have problems within themselves and their self-esteem is very low. It shows. Therefore, by continuing editing their photos and videos so much, they keep going with the neverending story!
Personality > Body
These influencers make unbelievable and non-existing women image- barbie image to everyone: men, other women, and underage girls. They all fantasize about something that does not exist and is not a value at all! Sadly, people spend more time thinking about how to change their body, but not working on their intellect. Finally, they get prettier outside but at the same time emptier inside!
Reality shows do not help either! I came to Spain and saw how obsessed people are with dating reality shows, that are as real as their fake boobs. Everyone is only talking and spending time on their body, valuing their body! Even couples spend time looking at these shows, at bodies of other people rather than one to another. It is sad, it makes me sad! I wish people were working more on their empathy and personality because I will tell you that- you will always be ugly with an ugly personality and your plastic body will not change it!
What can you do to change it?

What can we do to change it? After we know how influencers affect body image and why is it bad, we should learn how to deal with it and change it!
Firstly, it is very important to know what is the truth and what is not. Be skeptical and cautious with full makeup faces, smooth skin, and nipples that stare God in his eyes (haha). Secondly, who do you follow and spend your time? Follow only real and raw influencers that you can learn something from. Look at influencers that teach you something, that shows you the life and have values.
Remember, it is not only about the following. Next time when you want to check on problematic influencers. Remember that each view, each like or comment makes them more popular. Think about who you watch, who you comment, and who you like!
Be the change, stop the circle, and break the magic spell!
What do you think about the topic of how influencers affect body image? I hope you enjoyed this article and if you want more about serious topics like this, subscribe to me, share the blog and comment down below with your opinion! I am planning to write on a serious topic about underage influencers and very poorly dressed kids on Tik Tok.
You are the voice, you are the vote and you can change what influencers are popular and which not!
Most importantly, be proud of who you are and how you look like. You are so unique, no one is like you!
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