Glam & Coffee|April the 26rd

Glam and coffee diaries

Who let the kids out?!

I was thinking for a long time to write this blog and upload it or not. I started to write Glam & Coffee diaries to mostly write about my fashion style, then some beauty favorites, and so on. Kind of favorites in the beauty and glam world but in another, more interesting and natural way. This week I would say that I do not have a lot of fashion or beauty choices, we are still pretty much stuck at home. I will write about these topics later!

In the end, I decided to still hit you up with some news about life in Spain when it comes to politics and life update (if you are interested). Also how finally it has hit me in my mental state. I can not be sure if it is because of the quarantine, but I imagine that it plays a big role of it!


Very funny blog diaries name (Who let the kids out?) you will think? I decided to include this theme because of the life updates that I am going to let you know about. Since today, in Spain, it is allowed to leave the house parents with kids to have a walk. In our small town we cannot notice as much and see any problems with it (I see one parent leave, then in 3 minutes another one and so on). Big city centers have big problems though and I am waiting for how many hours it will take for them to ban us again! It is allowed only one parent with a maximum of 3 kids, but parents go outside, both of them with 1 or 2 kids, dogs and meet their parent friends, etc. People have not learned ANYTHING!

There are videos coming in from Barcelona that parks are full of parents with their children and dogs, everyone running around, touching each other, and playing and no one cares so much to stop them! I am really scared that because of these parents, we are going to get banned again!

Then yesterday the government let citizens know that from May 2nd we will be allowed to do sports outside (individual sports I suppose) and have a small walk. Which would be amazing! I do not care about shopping, cinema or bars. I seriously just want to have a nice walk around the town or go for a run. That is all I want.


If we talk about health, my health. For around 2 weeks already my neck hurts so much in the mornings when I wake up and it really does not help me anyhow!

Yesterday at one point while I was editing and uploading my Youtube video, I had a huge pain in my heart region and it did not stop for around 10 minutes, so I was not moving otherwise it made it worse and could not breathe deeply and it freaked me out. Fortunately, it ended soon but it did freak me out! Also, I have headaches much more often and worse, but I have heard that happens to them as well. Have you had some?

If we talk about mental health. I would not say that I notice some actual change and a huge problem. I feel like I am just worried about everything that happens around me and being more emotional about everything that is going on in my life (job, money problems, etc.). Let’s say I am an even more attention seeker emotional cutie than I used to be! HAHA!

I do eat healthily as much as I can and I would say I eat the same thing I used to. I do not visit the fridge 20 times a day! I eat some good meat, great salads as for dinner and then a few nights have some glass of wine and some snacks! I have an idea to write some ideas on how I stick to healthy routines etc. for you. If you are interested, let me know!


I am still going strong on my sports and workout game. I will be honest though, some days I am so lazy and there have been days that in the last minute I change my mind and I better watch some more TV. It happens. I try to not worry about it so much and the next day I go extra hard! For example, yesterday I was a lazy butt. Today I am working on moving this butt again!

I really want to ride a bicycle, it is such a good and pretty weather outside!


We finally reached the style and fashion section. I did upload my fashion trends this spring on my youtube video. If you want to check that video out, CLICK HERE. I had so much fun filming it!

If we talk about serious fashion items then I have changed my Nike joggers to something lightler. It has been very good weather outside these couple of days, so I can finally survive without socks on and wearing my dress now (if you are curious, it is Metallica dress I bought in Latvia). And, as I am typing this, a huge storm and rain poured down the sky- NICE!

Whenever I am tired of my old black leggings, joggers and T-shirts, I change up a little and dress either into cute jeans or just change my top to some cuter one and it boosts my mood significantly!

How has your time in quarantine been? Going strong on healthy diet and active routine? How are you fighting with your mental health issues? Comment down below and I can try to help you our or advice something that helps me!

READ NEXT. Motivation books you must read for your success!

WATCH last Youtube video. Fashion trends 2020 on Quarantine

Buy me a “coffee” (or wine) for my blog. All money will go to buy a domain, vlog camera, and create contenct!  The money will go for small business support! If you have some ideas you want me to write/ film about, add that with a donation! Thank you!

Send a coffee to Kristella Beauty HERE

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