Is this ever going to end?
Firstly, in the glam & Coffee diaries, the question that we are all asking and no one knows the answer. The virus will end, so will the quarantine but what is it going to leave behind, what footprints?
It is pretty funny that now when in Spain we are in phase 1, which means that some small businesses open up their doors and we can go to bars more or stores, or have a hair cut, that it is such bad weather again that we are kind of stuck at home anyways. It is very cold and rainy for the past week! However, it is good at some point, for people to not go overboard with going outside.

I do not even crave for bars and people, all I want is to do sports outside and travel. By travel, I mean going to the beach or mountains, to some small village and spend a few days there enjoying the company of my partner. What do you crave the most?
I kind of updated on the life here already in the introduction but this time, on my Glam & Coffee diaries, I wanted to talk about mental health. The other day I was laughing saying how I am going to gain weight and emotionally break after the quarantine and it really looks like that. Sports do not call my name anymore, I have been lazier about sports, the weather is bad anyways so sports outside is canceled.
Talking about mental health, if you follow my Instagram account (@glambutfirstcoffee) then you already know that yesterday I was a mess. It has really got me! I do not want to blame only quarantine and viruses. It is more like if normally my life problems and some bad news I would handle good and better or not even care, then now I am more sensitive to any small detail that I do not like or any small thing that goes wrong and that I do not approve.
You are not alone…
I get very emotional about things or people that say or do things that in my world are wrong, disrespectful, and bad! And this makes me think- is it being sensitive because of the whole situation happening around us or maybe it opens our eyes and in reality, we finally pay attention and care about things and problems which are important?

What I want to say, if person A says funny but hurtful stuff about person B (or race or gender etc.), and we are used to people doing so, so we are usually just ignoring it or laughing with them but now we react to it differently. Is it overreacting and being too sensitive because of the global problem, or are our eyes finally opened towards real problems in the world and we do not want to accept anymore disrespect towards other people. What do you think?
What Glam & Coffee diaries would be without their fashion section? Firstly, I have been in such a different persona this week that I cannot even follow up on how many times did I change my outfits. I was filming fun videos this whole week which will go up in a week or two. Therefore I changed into fun outfits every day but not only that.

As I mentioned before, the weather has been hectic for the last week! It is cold, then rainy and then back to being hot! I leave for the supermarket so I put some pants and sweater on but then I come home and feeling very warm in my home, so I change the outfit again.
Secondly I decide to do exercises, so I need to dress for workout clothes but after exercise, comes the shower and I need to change my clothes again. Now you understand what I mean by saying I cannot count my outfits this week? At least finally something interesting. In quarantine, I wanted to write these diaries but many times I had no idea what fashion or outfit post I can do if I wear the same boring pants and basic T-shirt for a month?

Shopping spree!
I have also been a little bit into a shopping spree! I ordered from Joom, which is similar to E-bay (until now I have had an only good experience with them).
Then I just received an order from the Ideal of Sweden that sells the cutest luxurious accessories for your phone but not only. They also have card holders, passport holders, water bottles, etc. I filmed unboxing and haul which is going to come up this week. Stay tuned on my Youtube channel!
The next plan is to order from Squatwolf that sells very high quality and good looking workout clothing. I have always wanted to own a pair of pretty, good quality workout clothes from brands like Squatwolf and hopefully, soon I will. I am not stopping there, I have in plans to order from Shein, Redbubble, Inside shops and Best secret!

Redbubble is platform for independent artists and offer all kind of products and clothing with unique patterns and designs on them. Hoping to order some skirt from them! Shein is famous for its affordable but good quality dresses and bikinis. And that is exactly what I want to order.
Inside shops are chain stores in Spain and Portugal, and even though they are more for teenagers, I love their affordable tops- they are cute and good quality. The best secret I discovered not a long time ago, they have a lot of clothing and accessories for many brands with the best price possible!
I finally ordered a book from my wishlist that I have wanted for the last years. It is “How to be an overnight success”. I did not buy it to hope I will just start earning millions in one day because bloggers know it does not work that way, also the author of this book knows it. That is the reason why I like it- it is a realistic and real story about real success. If you want to get that book, BUY IT HERE!

I have also been learning new things about blogging and youtube almost every day! I watch videos, I do online courses and I read, read, and research. What I am really passionate about right now is a Pinterest strategy, improving my Youtube videos and learn about creating a website. These are the most important themes of blogging that I am passionate about.
Background of a blogger
Why I am telling you about this? I have always liked to show a little bit of background and work what is done behind the scenes. I like to see and learn about it, and I like to show it myself. Isn’t it interesting to see the videos about making your favorite movie? Or learn about how the author was motivated to write the book? Or see how Dior makes their bags? I have always been fascinated by the backstage life, it makes me appreciate different professions and work that has been put into it!
My discovery after the last Glam & Coffee diaries is, how tasty guacamole is! Never really understood the whole hype about avocados and guacamole and it is such a trend thing. One day I did not want to eat a lot for dinner and I was walking around the supermarket and noticed guacamole and remembered I have some vegetables home, so I could just have those for dinner so I did!
Since that day I put guacamole on everything and I do not need anything else- just guacamole and my veggies. Today I bought the second one! Guess what I am going to eat today again? You are right! I do believe that not all guacamoles taste as good but the one I buy is perfect. Some people make guacamole themselves as well! I think it is even more expensive when making at home! What do you think about avocados and guacamole?
Let me know how are things in your country and how is your mental health? Are you holding up or maybe there is something you want me to write about and give some advice? In conclusion, What
*Remember, be stylish but in your own way! *
READ NEXT. TOP5 accessories everyone should have and why?
YOUTUBE VIDEO. Reacting to my old style!
Buy me a “coffee” (or wine) for my blog. All money will go to buy a domain, vlog camera, and create contenct! The money will go for small business support! If you have some ideas you want me to write/ film about, add that with a donation! Thank you!
Send a coffee to Kristella Beauty HERE
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I have been using this time to learn all about myself and what I like to do! So I have been outside often, staying active and trying new healthier recipes at home
This is so amazing! I have also learned new recipes and staying active 🙂 Great for you!