Glam & Coffee diaries | July 1st

Fashion blogger behind the scenes

I haven’t been writing my Glam & Coffee diaries for a long time. Mostly because I had so much going on with my life and a new blog that I started. I have been trying to get myself into a routine. That being said, I have been working on my blog schedule.

While I am talking about my brand, I invite you to subscribe to both. Subscribing and supporting helps me create more free content for you but guess what? I am working for new freebies, tips and presets that I am going to send to all my subscribers. Therefore be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any new product! 

I jumped on here to update you all about the life and drama going on on Youtube. As well as my brand excitement news and launches, and how not- everything about fashion and style as always

Cancel culture and bandwagon 

If you have been following a little Youtube life and drama, then you know. There has been a new major drama involving Shane Dawson. I want to remind you all that we do now know anyone. We do not know these people in real life, not outside. We do not know what they do, watch, learn, read, and do in their free time. 

That being said, remember how people canceled James very easily only for some influencers accusing him on the Internet? I still know how many of them felt silly and bad doing that and then resubbed as nothing happened. Now people do the same to Shane Dawson and we must stop! 

We are all different, we all make mistakes and we have all done or said bad things. Imagine if all of those things would be called out on the public around the world? Imagine more, if people would copy and paste the same phrases accusing you in the comments. Then invite people to cancel you, making it a movement or trend. I have noticed that people never learn and they jump on a bandwagon to be trendy! 

What I want to say to influencers or people that bring out “proves” and try destroying careers- either go to the police or shut your mouth! Easy! Either the person is very bad as you say and you prove it. If not- then do not even bother! 

Glam & Coffee diaries
Life obstacles

To all the fans and haters

To all the fans and haters and subscribers I want to say- grow up, be adult, and analyze information you receive. I have been silent and done nothing only because I wait for all the information to come out. Actions, as well as words, can end very badly, people can hurt themselves or even worse. Be careful of what you say and do online! And most importantly- if you are hurt by someone or do not like some Youtuber or influencers- stop following and move on! Do not push on others’ opinion, do not spread hate, and stop being toxic! The people who are not involved in this drama directly and are only fans should not accuse a stranger of being a p*dophile when they do not know anything. Unsubscribe and move on! 

I hope Shane has good people around him that support him in this difficult time. I cannot imagine how awful it is to receive all this hate and accusations. 

And Tati, I don’t even want to get into her manipulative video! Talking about being manipulated while she put out now 2 videos to destroy careers knowing how big influence she is! 

Weekend in Panticosa, Pyrenees

Glam & Coffee diaries 1st of July

Now back to something more positive and fun stuff because Glam & Coffee diaries are all about positive vibes. 

I finally had the opportunity to leave my town and go to the Pyrenees mountains for the weekend. The fresh air, beautiful views, and great weather. We arrived in Panticosa, the village in Spain, and stayed in Apartamentos de Panticosa from Friday to Sunday. The view from the window was spectacular and I suggest it to anyone. Especially if you go to a 4-5 company because then the price is especially good! 

You can check it here to book for yourself!

Hiking outfits 

My hiking sneakers Nike in Pyrenees

Whenever we go to the mountains, it is never just eating and sleeping. We make sure that we are active and do some hiking in the mountains. This hiking trail we went on turned to be the most dangerous and crazy one I have done yet! It was 7km long, 2200m high and cost us 3,5h! The trail had high and slippery rocks, crossing waterfalls and hiking through tiny trails while holding onto ropes to not fall. 

What did I wear? We must mention fashion in Glam & Coffee diaries after all. I wore Nike sneakers that are the best I have for this occasion and now they are pretty ruined so I will see if I need to throw them out. We already ordered new ones and I hope they arrive soon! I had comfy shorts, a crop top. Last but not least, I took with me a hoodie that I was happy to have because it got very cold at some moments! I suggest going for a hike, so much fun!

Birthday Monday 

The best and tasty food in Spain

We returned on Sunday and Monday I had my birthday! I was waiting so much for it because I love birthdays and then it passes by so quickly and leaves you only with the fact that you are older now- sad! It was a pretty simple but very happy day with special gifts, tasty chocolate cake, a lot of cute wishes from special people and finally, my favorite Spanish dish “puntillitas”.

The celebration is not over yet and hopefully that we are going to do something special for it in the future! 

Birthday outfit

Glam & Coffee diaries birthday outfit

As I mentioned before, we went out for a dinner. I wore denim skirt that had pearls design all over it. The skirt I bought in small boutique. I wore white cropped T-shirt and rose gold sandals from the Inside shops. To finish up the outfit, I paired it up with my beige clutch from Ideal of Sweden.

If you want to have some clutch from the Ideal of Sweden, click HERE. You can use my code “ID15-231123” for 15% OFF.

News about my brand and blog

   My new office space 

Blogging office and space for Glam but first coffee blogger
New blogging office space

For a long time, I have thought about how and where I can make my office space to work when my productivity is low. Or to just give me this feeling of being in a working mood. 

Finally, I came up with a solution. I took the camping table we had, put on a table cloth and put it in the corner of my salon where it does not bother anyone. Light comes in, fresh air from the window and it just gives me this extra boost knowing I have my office space. Yes, it is not perfect, yes it is small and in my salon but it is something. Work with what you have and we must start somewhere! Do not find excuses, find solutions.

   I got approved on Reward style/ like to know it 

Reward style and like to know it fashion blogger

Glam & Coffee diaries are about style therefore this is very special for me. Another news is that Reward Style accepted my application. If you do not know, reward style is an influencer platform, especially famous between fashion lovers to share with people their pictures of outfits. Reward Style gives people an easy way to shop for favorite products and outfits. 

I heard it is not easy to get accepted therefore it made me very happy to receive the confirmation email. 

I am still working on the page, adding products, and hopefully, in the future, I can add my photos with outfits and products I bought. For now, if you want to better follow my favorite products and style that I love, you can follow me there! 

I just added my first few pictures. I am still working on it and trying to figure it out. As well as most of my clothing I buy in small boutiques but I search for similar items in the pages that are Link to know it approved.

You can check my weekend outfit in

Fashion and lifestyle quotes
Be happy about the little things

Birthdays I see as a New Year. I even read somewhere that the new year (as a birthday) has more power and magic than the first day of a year. This day is only for us and it is written in the stars. Therefore, I want to tell you all thank you for reading, supporting, liking, and following my journey! I notice every like or dislike and every one of you who supports or who does not! 

I am waiting for when I have more time to learn and create freebies as a thank you! Keep updated and subscribe to my blog and Youtube to not miss them out! What else do you want to read on Glam & Coffee diaries?

Read my most popular blog posts in June:

Watch my most popular Youtube videos in June:

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