Feminist tweets that men love short women to control them!

petite blogger 2022

Feminist tweets that men love short women to control them!? I started the new category of Petite news in May 2022. However, while doing the research on what to write about next, I run into the drama of 2021.

Tall feminist drama against shorties

In 2021, a famous popular feminist writer was forced to delete her Twitter account after she said horrific stuff about short women and male attraction to shorter women. She tweeted: Do short women not know how much of their attractiveness to men is related to perceived controllability? Is that a thing y’all aren’t aware of? Lol, cute.” Personally, it seems she does not know any short women. Short women are very strong, with strict personality, and does not let anyone step on their heads. The whole life short women need to do anything for others to notice them, in school, work environment, at parties, and even for their tall friends to take them seriously. No, short women are pretty bossy in their relationships.

Feminist tweets that men love short women to control them!

Men love Petites because they look like children?

However, she blames short women for whining about being liked by men and looking like children. She also insinuates that men are attracted to short women because they are younger, and probably even the age of children. The radical feminist said: “A smaller woman can more likely be physically dominated and controlled, like a “mommy”. Slimmer women won’t feel threatening. The smaller a woman is the younger she appears and that’s attractive to many men”. Girl, I think some amazing short woman has hurt her long legs too much or stole her man! Maybe men love shorter women because short women like being cuddled, loved, and hugged. They are very positive and love the attention and help that men can provide?

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Responses of other women

Shorties are just cuter?

I am a short woman whose whole life was affected by tall women, by men looking at tall women and model-like women and only wanting them, this seems funny to me. However, that reminds me of when I was little, and my cousin told me- do not worry, when you will be an adult, it will be easier to find men.
And everyone knows that short women take all the tall men!

Feminist tweets that men love short women to control them! Firstly, what do you think of these tweets? Secondly, does she have a reason? Let me know in the comment section down below! Meanwhile subscribe to the newsletter for Petite news and Petite magazine launch!


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