The best Ciaté London nail polishes for each season

The best Ciaté London nail polishes for each season. I discovered that I am having a big collection of Ciaté London nail polishes and decided to do the collection blog post and tell about my collection to you as well.

First of I would want to make your attention to- that my nails are not in the prettiest phase. And not only i discovered new favourites by making photo shoots, but also that I definitely need more practice in making this kind of photo shoots and topics, but I hope you will enjoy it as it is, find out something new about this brand I AM LOVING and just enjoying reading my blog while having big cup of tea or coffee.

P.S. This seasonal divide doesn’t need to mean that you can’t wear it in any other season. It is just how i decided to divide these colours and nail polishes and I thought this is the fun way to tell you about my collection ( hopefully I didn’t fail). 

Best Ciaté London nail polishes for each season

1. SPRING oh sunny spring! (not so sunny in my country but well)

For spring I chose pinkish, pale and kind of romantic french style polishes with some mind blowing glitter

Best Ciaté London nail polishes for each season

“Prima ballerina”/ This pinkish, lily glitter just blew my mind. It is so colourful and fun and sexy. Before when i was doing standard manicure I didn’t find a use for these glitters but now when I am doing gel manicure, I can’t wait to use it.

“Amazing gracie”/ Pale nude pinkish colour you can use for doing french manicure or just itself (but it is a bit watery so might need 3 coats).

Best Ciaté London nail polishes for each season

“Sloaney, sweetie”/ This reminded me of doughnut sprinkles, having pink and goldish sprinkles- so me! Perfect combination. And if before I thought that this only would look good on some bold coloured nail polish, then now I am actually thinking to wear it on its own tomorrow for work.

“Members only”/ Light pinkish nail polish with shimmer in it. Very pretty, again reminds me of doughnuts and their glaze haha ( I guess i need to go eat something, really)

 2. SUMMER- colours and festivals 

Summers are all about colours, flowers, sun and all the bright, so i offer you the colours of Ciaté London
cruelty-free nail polishes from Ciate
– “Big yellow taxi”/ Sunny and very bold, that is why i love it! Sometimes colourful can look tacky but this is the one which looks fancy, expensive and luxurious.
– “Cupcake queen”/ First of- I love the name! And again we return to food- ha! Do you also just love brands or people who use nice, tasty and funny names for their products? It is definitely taking my attention. This color is dark pink, girlish and cute.
Where to buy cruelty-free nail polish?
– “Headliner”/ Blue as summer sky. Just missing some clouds in it and we are good to go. Or we could just add the pearls –
” Girl with a pearl”/ which i used on the Cupcake queen colour instead. I added this to summer because summer is wedding season and pearls goes good with weddings (If some bride doesn’t agree with me, I am sorry- please don’t kill me xoxo).

 -” Candy cane”/ Dark rose pink glitter nail polish for that hot, festive summer nights, dates or concerts when you must be the rock queen!

 3. AUTUMN galaxy

Autumn reminds me of grey sky and darker blue evenings- all shades of grey and blue if we talk about air and sky. (But we can never forget about shimmer can’t we?!)
the best nail polishes that does not test on animals
– “Slumber party” glitter/ Glitters I am having I used on clear nail polish and it actually worked very fine. This one is very pretty, not so eye catching to make someone blind- that is good isn’t it? NO?! Yea I agree xoxo . But pretty this is, with all kind of glitters and shimmers in it- red, mostly dark grey, green- real party confetti.
– “Frozen daydream” glitter/ Dark Royal blue color I am loving so much! I think it is perfect for autumn evenings, parties and dates with ya girls.
– “Celestial”/ As you can see this is the large size polish. With real ribbon on it (that is actually what took me to this brand first i saw it- i just loved their ribbons too much!
Review of Ciate London
– “Velvet tuxedo”/ Dark greyish and shimmery nail polish, Very very pretty and chic and this is the nail polish which the most remind me of autumn nights

– “Silhouette”/ You know- sometimes there is just this perfect burgundy, and this is it! That sexy dark burgundy color with a little shimmer of it. I love how Ciaté London knew the right amount of glitter and shimmer to nail polish to not make it look too Drag queen and too cheap.

4. WINTER glitter and festive season

Winter we always associate with shimmery dresses, gold and festive colours. And Ciaté London is the best for festive colours.
nail polishes for autumn 2022
– “Let it snow”/ This is sooo pretty, it looks like a snow with glitter has been put in this small bottle. White shimmers with all kind of black, red, yellow, orange etc etc etc. There is variation of all colours!
– “Tinsel trail” confetti/ This I will call as confetti as the pieces are big as that and at first it was even difficult to put on the nail but i did it and it definitely looks very original. It is dark blue and silver confetti!
best nail polishes for Fall
– “Runway ribbon” glitter/ Bright red glitter- what else can i tell about this?! It is festive all over, screaming CHRISTMAS at my face!
– “Unrestricted glam”/ This is just plain black nail polish, a bit too watery so will need at least three coats to wear it.
– “Sand dune”/ Very bold and shiny gold, the perfect gold, as I said about the yellow one. Because for these two the texture is so perfect, it applies so smooth and nice with maximum two coats needed.

This was cest Ciaté London nail polishes for each season blog post. If you want to try Ciaté London nail polishes, check out their webpage!

P.S. This is not sponsored and I don’t receive anything for doing this.

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