Cruelty-free beauty and cosmetics products and reviews. Beauty tips and tricks. The best and worst makeup and beauty products in a cruelty-free category. Save Ralph is a campaign that fights against animal testing for cosmetics. The testing on animals is not reliable and is very expensive. Nowadays there are many better ways to test makeup and beauty, therefore I decided to go completely cruelty-free and show other people a good example.
Cruelty-free beauty still has a lot of misconceptions and I want to break them and show people how many cruelty-free brands are in the world! The only way to stop animal cruelty is by boycotting brands. Therefore, we should think about where we put our money and what companies we support by purchasing from animal-friendly brands rather than brands that do not care about animal well-being. Testing on animals is huge torture for a long time until the bunny dies out of pain.
Did you know that many brands lie about not testing on animals, while they import their products in China? However, China has a law that requires testing on animals and that means the brand cannot be cruelty-free if they support the politics.