Cancel “cancel culture”. Why it is dangerous?

Cancel "cancel culture"

I needed to talk about the cancel culture and why I think we should all cancel “cancel culture.” It is not precisely fashion-related, but it is about the beauty, beauty of people, and natural beauty that we should all care about, not the latest Morphe palette. I am a blogger and Youtuber; therefore, I need to put my opinion on this and make you think!

In one phrase, people are talking and whining about their mental health, but at the same time, they turn against people on Youtube like they would not be humans, and the hate I have read towards not only them but their families is horrible! We talk about Youtubers being toxic; what about these fans and haters? 

Cancel culture is very bad for people

Shouldn’t we all just look into the mirror and worry about our own lives and personalities? People also do not have patience. They cannot wait for a few weeks, see what more comes out, and then state their opinion. One video with allegations come out, and they just cancel the person right away and send hate. It is easy to ruin careers nowadays.

Why am I talking about this now? There is a major drama going on every year on Youtube. Usually, between the TOP creators. It is the time when new allegations are made, and past old mistakes are brought back up. It all repeats every single year, apology videos are even judged and hated, and their mental health is being affected. So how about we cancel “cancel culture”? 

Past is past, let’s look at the present

what is cancel culture and how to avoid it
Photo by Smarton Unsplash

Most of the things that people bring up are things from the past. Actions or words that were done and said ten years ago in their 18-20 years. Raise a hand if you did not do anything silly or dumb at that age! Anyone? Exactly. Imagine if that all would have been filmed or recorded, and people would always pull it up. 

Let’s make it clear. If the person has done something horrible in the past, he must take accountability and need to look at them with all seriousness. It always depends on how severe the case is and what he is accused of. However, if it is so intense as many times it is claimed, why come to Youtube to destroy their life and turn people against them instead of going to court or police? They know the influence they have and know people will start hating, spread rumors, and the chain reaction will start! Let’s reflect on the past but look at the present. 

Youtube is as fake as Instagram models. Period

I was amazed when people do not understand that Youtubers and Instagramers are not real. They are not the same on Instagram and Youtube as in real life. Let’s clear this one out; it does not mean they are fake or acting, but it is only 1% of their life and sometimes filmed from the best angle to not see the ugly side. Even the rawest influencers cannot be 100% true because it can be dangerous many times, and for the same reason, people can start hating for any bad word. I only hope that people will realize and not be surprised that the person is not like that.

“YouTubers and Instagrammers are not real!”

Many times, they even admit it is not how they are; they have to make them exciting and be more dramatic; otherwise, you will not watch them (like no one watches me). Just kidding; I love everyone who cares about me! Back to cancel “cancel culture.” People have to see it as entertainment and nothing else. Even I can say that when I turn on the camera, and my voice automatically changes, it is just how it is! 

Do not stan, do not take sides! 

Why being a stan is bad and do not take a sides in Youtube drama

A great way how to cancel “cancel culture” is to not stan (or be over the top fan of someone) and, at the same time, do not take sides. I am always so mad at people wanting to take sides- in anything that is going on. Do you support America or Russia? Are you into pop or rock? Do you choose camping or a hotel? Do you like Tati or James? Maybe neither? How about that? Why there is a belief that we must take sides and we cannot love or hate both of them. I think that would be one of the ways to cancel “cancel culture.” When we could analyze, keep our minds open and stay sane. 

You do you and let me do me! 

I want to say that I have reached the culmination of my blog post because what is my biggest issue with the “cancel culture”? Pushing your opinion, your decision, and your narrative to other people. Therefore I hate movements; they are always political and meant to create more hate (hidden hate). The same goes for many political campaigns that no one from above actually cares about, and they just laugh at people fighting and taking sides while there are much bigger issues they are trying to hide!

“Do not force me your decision”

If people would create their own words and own opinion, not follow the crowd and movement, less hate, fewer allegations, and harm would be done to people! Therefore, you follow who you want and support who you want or hate who you like. However, please do not tell me or others what we should be supporting and what not! That is the same problem with society, as I have already written about the family, career, and other social norms that people try to push on us! You can read that article HERE

Do not cancel people careers

Many people do not realize what they are doing. Not only do we spread hate and negativity this way, but it can easily cancel and end people’s careers. I am not saying that if the person has done criminal actions, he does not deserve it but are we judges or police? Why it looks like now it is upon us to judge someone and fire them? In that case, great, let’s go and cancel pedophiles, horrible politicians, and human trafficking! But no, there it must be done legally through a court where it unfortunately never goes but about some silly old videos or false accusations, we can cancel someone’s careers in one heartbeat! How convenient and hypocritical! 

Mental health

Mental health because of mobbing and internet hate.
Photo by Sydney Simson Unsplash

 I already touched on this, but I needed to talk more about mental health. Now it is in such a trend to be a mental health advocate. However, we talk about mental health, but when someone tries to destroy careers, people are the first ones to hate. Some write disgusting comments not only about the person but his family. Last week, I saw some people on Twitter, inviting others to send hate to Ryland. Ryland is the boyfriend of Shane Dawson, a Youtuber who is into drama now. Can you imagine being toxic and awful like that? Why do we ask them to be perfect because it is easy to hate someone famous. At the same time, some of the people comment even more toxic messages! So hypocritical! Practice what you preach, or do not even sweat to comment!

“Calling them out for being toxic, while writing toxic comments”

Finally, how convenient to accuse someone of being racist but calling them fag*ots and being homophobic at the same time. Only because you are not widespread, and millions of people worldwide are not going to call you out! 

Let police cancel them

Move on from drama and fake allegations! Only believe the evidence
Photo by Matt Popovichon Unsplash

Another thing, I know I also mentioned this part, but it is essential! Do not take allegations, and some upset people accusations as facts! Either police and FBI approved evidence or move on! Therefore, if the person is so dangerous, why those recipes everyone talks about are not sent to the police? There are no recipes in most of the cases! However, if they are, I think full recipes would show that no one is an angel! Remember, it is never black and white! It is always grey!

Who do you watch? 

  Finally, decide what you watch, why you watch them, and what they teach you. Maybe it is the time to read and watch smaller influencers. Influencers that do things out of heart and love and not because of drama and money! Here I am not saying you must watch me, even though I would appreciate it, of course.

However, in the last couple of years, I have seen many small Youtubers creating excellent content. They have great personalities, they are improving and trying their best, but they are not growing. WHY? Maybe because we are all caught up in the drama. We want more action and excitement, and people all the time screaming and having exaggerating personalities. Much more fun than real and raw shy people that not always have the best makeup or hair, sometimes talk quieter and cannot afford to show off the newest Chanel bag. I will repeat it; nothing is black and white. Therefore, some part of why these people are selfish is our fault! 

“Nothing is black or white, it is usually grey”

These are the most critical points that I wanted to include talking about cancel “cancel culture.” However, I would be happy to create a positive environment for the discussion and hear your opinion and commentary on the topic! Do you want to cancel the people or cancel “cancel culture”? 

READ another important topics!

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    1. Thank you, I appreciate it! We must each have our own opinion and not force it on other people!

  1. well, forcing your opinions on others is silly and calling out someone in youtube is a fashion trend these days.
    thanks for spreading awareness on how it affects an entire society

  2. Yup, I am very selective in which YouTubers I follow and for a reason. I just hate the drama and fakeness. Thank you for writing this blog.

    1. Totally! I hate anyone who tries to solve the relationship issues on Youtube videos trying to act like being a good friend! haha

  3. lovedddd reading this and seeing your perspective! thank you for sharing 🙂 x

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