Birthday wish list (beauty, fashion and more)

Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a big dreamer, too much of a dreamer! Also as we all can see, I love to write. So when we combine these two things, we can create a wish list and as my birthday is around the corner (29th of June), I decided to make a birthday wish list. I have even noticed that some people make a Youtube videos about their birthday wishes.

This wish list is meant more like a fun post and also as a goal and motivation for me to work hard to achieve it and maybe next year and next birthday I will be able to check all the boxes because I worked hard and were able to get all these beautiful things I am dreaming about. Lists inspire and motivate me. Do you like to write wish lists and bucket lists?

Most of the photos from Goggle- I have no rights over them!

Blog and Youtube essentials

I am inlove with making Youtube videos and write my blog (if you have noticed, wink- wink), but it is very time and also money consuming in order to make a good content for all of you. There are a lot of items that would help me with quality, quantity and also motivation. I decided to add them to my TOP of wish list. IF you want to help, you can donate 3 eur for me to reach my dream, buy me a cofffee HERE.

My own domain and host

My blog right now is wordpress managed and owned. That means I have not a lot of rights over it and WordPress can close it and delete it anytime without any reason. I also cannot really monetize it and a lot of rules apply. That is why I am dreaming to buy my own domain and host, so I would own my blog completely and would give you all better material and posts.

Vlog camera

If you have never vlogged holding big, mirror or professional camera infront of your face, you do not know my struggle and why I dream about having a vlog camera. I do not vlog as much because in order to vlog I need to take my big camera with me, stuck in my face, everyone watching and at the end, my face is too close to the camera and it just looks very bad. Sometimes I use phone but phone needs a lot of memory and does not have such a good quality.

The one that every vlogger talk about and also in many articles is stated as the best vlogging camera is CANON PowerShot G7 X Mark II High Performance Compact Camera – Black. Remember- if you need camera for selfies or vlogging, always make sure it has a screen that you can turn upwards so you can see yourself.

Buy Canon Powershot G7 X Mark 2 camera HERE

Ring light

A good lighting is the most important part of vlogging and taking photos. In my apartment is not the best lighting, and sometimes I want to film on evenings or morning or maybe in my bathroom and the light is very bad there, so it is not possible. Ring light really would boost quality and give me much more options!

Buy ring light HERE

Memory cards, hard drive

Desperately in need to have memory hards and external hard drive to be able to save all the photos and videos, so just in case I would have every video and photo that I have ever taken!

New phone?!

I just need new phone! I have very old Samsung. It works good but sometimes it gets very hot, start stucking and having errors. And especially camera starts to mess up. Camera for me is my working instrument, I cannot deal without it. Do you have some good phone in mind?

Fashion, accessories

Sports watch

If you are following up my life and journey, then you might know that lately I am more active and do a lot of sports- cycling, running, zumba and exercises. For that, a sports watch that has a timer, km and calories count etc. would really help me and give me much more motivation. I do not know what kind of watch I want yet, all I know I want it to look feminine so I can wear it daily and the watch would also look fashionable.

Fitbit Versa seems a great one for me! Love the design, not sure about the colour though- Black, grey or salmon pink?!

Buy FITBIT Versa here

Hot leggings

Long time ago I saw these leggings and I cannot get them out of my head! I am very obsessed with them. Legs and body look so good, and nice outfit gear makes me want to do much more activities. Is the outfit important for you and gives you motivation do be more active?

Check out the beautiful leggings here!

Ted Baker sunglasses

I really liked designer sunglasses. I have sunglasses from Guess for a very long time, but they are very used and have leopard print. Would really want something more classy. Obviously that Chanel sunglasses would be the perfect match, they are just my type but they cost a fortune. That is why I found these Ted Baker sunglasses that would be amazing to own. Bows? Oh yes give me all the bows!

Buy Ted Baker sunglasses HERE

Makeup related

I could now have passed this by and not include makeup, right?

Blinged makeup brushes

We all should support small and family businesses more. By supporting families and small business, you help their kids to get education and go to courses or training in football. Blinged brushes is one of the successful small business stories. Tati made a video talking about these brushes and now everyone is obsessed over them ( I am too). I follow them since the beginning and I am so happy to hear them grow bigger and larger. Their rose gold brushes are my dream but also cost a lot. The brushes are handmade, looks and works perfectly!

Support Blinged brushes HERE

Huda Nude or Naked 2 beauty palette

Needed to think a very long time which palette to include but I think these are the ones. Naked natural palettes are the best for natural makeup and I really need a good eyeshadow palette of natural shades in it.

About Huda beauty palette. I am obsessed with the pinkish and feminine vibes it brings and the glitter eyeshadows. Has been my dream to play with it since I saw it launching. Huda beauty Nude palette was made for me!

Buy Huda Beauty palette HERE

Buy Naked 2 palette HERE

Naked palette mini

This is my small, travel sized palette that I wish to own. For daily looks and on my travels I use a lot of everyday, brownish shades and this palette would be perfect! I could not leave the mini palette out of this wish list.

Buy Naked mini palette HERE

Mac lipstick

Not everyone is a big lipstick junkie, but I am! I love all kind of shades and colours. Mac lipsticks are known for their sleek packaging but also very good quality. Mac lipstick is just like a Chanel bag- sleek and classy. Wish to own all the Mac lipsticks in the world (I wish, haha), but mostly I would be happy for bright red and nude lipsticks.

Buy MAC lipstick HERE


Coffee maker

I love coffee! I cannot start my day without one. I have done some days without but then I cannot think straight, I cannot do sports and I have no motivation until I get the steamy hot cup of coffee. That is why I would love to own a coffee machine to be able to have higher quality fresh coffee every day!

I found a great coffee maker, Look at it HERE


I have always been obsessed with books and reading. In school I was the fastest reader and was very good at it. In University, my motivation of reading got very low because all we needed to read were very boring books and too many books. It took me a lot of time after University to get back to reading and enjoy it again. Now when I am writing a blog, practising French and Spanish again, I am loving to read about fashion, beauty or books which are very inspirational and motivational.

There are few books that are on my wish list for a long time. Some of them are directly waste of money and I know that but one day I will still own them. These books are so called Tea table books– with beautiful design, photos and less text. The books that are not meant for reading but more for soul and eyes.

Megan Hess books, buy HERE

Overnight success, buy HERE

I tried to write this list while being with my both feet on this planet. These wishes are the ones which would really help in my career, which I need or would make my daily life easier.

Discussion. When is your birthday and what would be your perfect gift? 🙂

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