What are the BEST FASHION YOUTUBERS TO FOLLOW IN 2021? If you asked me these questions in 2020, then my answer would have been different from the one I will provide you with now. Why is that?
Mostly because we all grow, and if many said that beauty influencers are problematic, I would say that fashion influencers are problematic in their way. As always, I am going to be sincere with you and tell you what I think. I do not like a snob and egoistic fashion YouTubers, that manipulate the audience or their husband! Yes, this was a direct attack on a YouTuber that used to be my favorite YouTuber and a dream to reach.
This negative experience made me go on YouTube and search for fashion YouTubers to watch. However, this list of best fashion Youtubers to follow in 2021 is not made only for fashion lovers in general. I made the Top fashion YouTubers list for you to learn from if you are a fashion YouTuber!

However, smaller fashion Youtubers need their recognition as well! Therefore, if you are a fashion YouTuber, you deserve your spotlight! Comment down below about your channel, your story, your style, and your struggles. Writing this blog post made me realize how many times the huge YouTubers praised while they do not need this promotion anymore. Simultaneously, smaller YouTubers with fantastic personalities and the most incredible fashion sense left in the shadow!
Therefore, my next blog post in the future might be about smaller YouTubers that deserve the same spotlight. Do not forget to comment down below your channel link and share your YouTube journey!
Naomi Boyer
I want to start with Naomi Boyer because she is the one that I found years ago! She is the woman that is so classy and elegant that I know I could never be! That fashion blogger can be described by one word: CLEAN! Her style, interior, hair always looks clean! Naomi’s style is simple yet classy and catchy.
Rachel Spencer
Rachel gives me the “girl next door” vibes in the best way possible. However, Rachspeed (her YouTube channel) has videos about home, interior, and even finances. That makes me feel better because my YouTube channel can wander into other topics a lot too!
Ashley Brooke
Is there a girl with perfect bangs? Yes, and her name is Ashley. When I first time saw her, I thought: she cares about her hair! When you look at her YouTube videos, you can see that hair care is essential for Ashley as the style is! Ashley gives me minimalist style influencer vibes while still adding parts of trends in it!
Tess Christine
The fashion influencer that also shares her life is Tess Christine. By the way, if you are pregnant, then you can be pregnant together with Tess. She shares her pregnancy on her blogs as well! Her colorful and all-over-the-place thumbnails relate to me so much! She seems like a girl who enjoys life and everything that it brings!
Alex Miss Alex
I love Miss Alex since I found out she is petite and has the same height that I do! It can be challenging to find the right fitting clothing when you are short. Alex is the usual fashion YouTuber; she shares tips, outfit ideas, seasonal trends, and fashion hauls.
Amy Serrano
If you cannot decide between beauty and fashion, then Amy is for you! Amy shares beauty tips and tutorials as well as fashion ideas and inspiration. However, it does look like she is more into beauty lately. That is only normal considering that we do not go out!
Also, Amy resonates with me because she does not have millions of views; she is more of a midrange influencer.
Jenn Im
Jenn Im is a beautiful Asiatic influencer who shares her style and daily life, food, and relationships. Looking at her profile does give me more of a lifestyle vibe.
Alisha Marie
I did not plan to include Alisha Marie as she is a lifestyle blogger, but after Jenn Im gave me the same vibe, I needed to add the queen itself. Alisha Marie is the best lifestyle blogger that also loves trendy fashion. However, her style is usually very chill, with thousands of Nike sneakers and hoodies! I had to mention Alisha; her editing game is so high!
LilyLikeCom gives me very feminine, antique pink aesthetics vibes (look at her thumbnails). Lily shares her aesthetic, elegant style as well as her aesthetic life and travels.
Glam, but first coffee
The YouTuber is so unique that no one can handle her, so no one even subscribes to her. Yes, that one is me! On a serious note, hey, after researching all these beautiful fashion gurus, I needed to give myself some promo!