Choosing the right running gear can seem nothing special and easy. As a beginner the easy part it- do not buy anything expensive, it is not necessary and the cosiness does not hide in the price. As a beginner, it is very important to buy comfortable running clothes. Bad clothes can itch, discourage you, and even give you some bad blisters or bruises. I have been there. That is why I decided to write a beginner’s guide to running gear: How to choose the best running clothes.Â
Guide on how to choose tops/bra
Sports bra

Ladies, this is the most important part of the running gear! You want to make sure that your melons are secure and cozy in there. First, be sure you choose a good support bra– especially if your size C or more. All these well-known brands selling cute and cheap bras that do not hold anything. Always remember that support is very important!
The next detail to pay attention to is- the simplest, the better. I know how cute and sexy the bras can look, especially for women who do not use shirts and just walk around with sports bra on. If you want to work out and not just show off, it must be secure and simple! Do not choose bras with 10 stripes going all around, it will take you a long time to put it on. Do not choose bras with buttons or zippers. I have one bra that I thought was so cute with a zipper in the front, now that zipper leaves an ugly mark (bruise) on my bust whenever I use it- not worth it!

Check out this Adidas bra on Amazon
I also love running gear from Squatwolf. I have not tried their bras but other pieces and the quality is the best.
Running ShirtÂ

When it comes to shirts and tops, it depends on personal preference. For example, I like a little baggier shirt for me to feel comfortable when I run, that my body can breathe and feel a little breeze when I run. I have a few tank tops that I use on hot days and some T-shirts for when it is colder! For me, personally, I rarely use long sleeve shirts, because whenever I warm up during the run I feel so hot in those and cannot concentrate on running anymore.
I also noticed that I prefer more synthetic fiber shirts because they are lighter. As well I use a few cotton T-shirts, they are not bad but they feel tighter and heavier. Play around and see what you like the best during your running sessions.
I usually use random T-shirts or tank tops from stores as H&M, or more affordable sports stores.
As a beginners you can start by using running shirts from Amazon.
Or if you want better quality from activewear brands, I would suggest Squatwolf.
Guide on choosing your running pants
Running shortsÂ

Shorts are an important part of the running gear- because legs are the most active ones. Some women run in actual underwear, I have no idea how they feel comfortable in those and do not have any bruises on tights!Â
I have a few shorts now that has started to make bruises on my tights and that is not a nice feel. If you are a thicker tight lady, I would advise you to get shorts that have inside biker shorts already. Another possibility is to buy normal shorts and biker shorts separately. Biker shorts are very elastic, tight shorts on your legs that wrap your legs don’t move around, therefore, giving protection against the bruises.
Leggings or pantsÂ

Pants and leggings just like long sleeve shorts I do not wear often when running! I get hot so easily in them! Some advice that I can give you is to choose high-waisted pants to secure your hips in place when you run and not fall off! Make sure they are not seen through. I have seen some cheap ones, even from well-known brands that are very seen through.Â
Also when choosing shorts or pants, make sure it has the small pocket to put your house keys or music player in it, trust me it will help you out! Last but not least, material! Lighter material is a better option as long as it is not seen-through or very bad quality synthetic fiber!
The best leggings I have seen there, are from Squatwolf (they specialize in good pair of leggings). Code “SWHOLY” for 10% OFF. I have joggers from Squatwolf and they are the highest quality I have ever had!
If you want something more affordable, I would suggest these leggings from Amazon
Beginner accessories for running
I did not even think to include socks in this section but I feel like I had to. Socks is a very random piece, I even know people that run without socks but I cannot. Socks that I love the most are short socks, synthetic fiber, and very light! Feet warm-up very fast and when I wear too thick material socks, they feel like melting!
I got mine gifted but I found similar socks for running on Amazon.
Shoes or sneakers

We finally reached the most important part of this beginner’s guide to running gear, which is the shoes! When I first time voluntarily run, I was around 20 and I went to the sports store, asking good sneakers to run on hard surfaces. They suggested me pink Nike runners and I got them, I am still having them and they are almost as new.
When I moved to Spain, I got another Nike that had a discount- a little lighter material and with the same thickness of the sole. It is good to have a little platform for your feet to feel softer when running and bounce a little. This Christmas I got New balance purple runners that are the best so far. They are very light material, easy to put on, and just the most comfortable I have had. Do your research on which are the best and what your budget is- some are very pricey!
These are the Nike running sneakers that are a little similar to the ones I have. I could not find the exact same ones!
Here you can buy for yourself the exact same New Balance running sneakers that I am currently using. Affordable price and very comfortable.
Sports watch
Watch to track your distance and time is not a must-have. If you just want to run for your own fun, you can do it. You can also use your phone (but I have used the phone, and it is so difficult to run with your phone on you and then if you want to check your speed or time, you need to pull it out while still running- very difficult).
I would advise investing in a good watch (but maybe a not very expensive one if you are just starting out).
I use my Garmin Forerunner that I got last year. It works great, tracks cycling and running, and does not cost a fortune! It is a good watch for a good price.

Full review on Garmin Forerunner you can read HERE.
Garmin Forerunner 10 on Amazon
To tie together all the tips on beginner’s guide to running gear:
- Simple but supportive bra, without extra details
- Lightweighted cozy shirts from material that breaths (tank tops, T-shirts and long sleeve).
- Choose shorts that cover the thights. Or buy extra biker shorts to use underneath! In order to not get bruises from rubbing.
- Breathable, light-weighted ankle socks.
- Shoes are the most important! Again- simple and light-weighted with a little bit of platform for support for your feet.
- Watch is not a must-have! But it gives motivation when you track your time and see how you improve. Helps you to see the progress. You can also use your phone but it is not as practical.
- Last but not least, as a beginner do not spend a lot of money on your gear. Bigger price do not means quality. Spend more on good shoes, less on shirts and pants!
How did this beginner’s guide for running gear help you? Do you have a little clearer mind of what to buy and choose? I really hope so, because I can tell you that some running gear I regret buying because of how uncomfortable was it! Now I have learned the hard way and shared some of the tips I have learned along the way with you! Do not forget to follow my Instagram for daily style and reviews.
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- GPS watch Garmin Forerunner 10 review
P.S. Affiliate marketing links included!
Thanks for the tips! I love my Garmin Forerunner too! It’s a must have for goal setting and for training for a race.