Do you want to be more eco-friendly, care about nature, and be more responsible but you do not know where to start? I was there and realized that it does not have to be radical, you do not need to go all vegan and zero waste! A beginner’s guide to eco-friendly living is for people that are worried about the future and our planet but do not know how to start.

How to help our planet? I am asking the same question and slowly have implemented a few simple changes in my life that do not ask me any effort! Honestly, I think if each person would follow these few steps, then we could help our planet loads and improve the quality of life. With everyone having a little bit more eco-friendly lifestyle, we would not need to go very radical about it.
Reusable coffee cup

I am drinking my coffee at home, as my home is my office. However, when I worked in an office, I did not have a reusable coffee cup. Feeling guilty about that right now. Buy a cute reusable coffee cup that you can bring with you to work, gym, and anywhere! Did you know that many coffee shops will give you a discount if you bring your reusable coffee cup? Save your money and save nature!
I am going to link down some cute reusable coffee cups that are with a unique design or the ones from Amazon! Buy for yourself or as a gift for your family!
Uztaisīt kādu ar Moku. And also list one from Amazon.
Buy reusable coffee cup (unique design made by me)
Reusable eco straws (save the turtles)

Metal straws were on my Wishlist for a lot of years already. All these years I did not buy any plastic straw (save the turtles) but I do drink a lot of Iced coffee and cocktails therefore I needed some.
I finally ordered some beautiful and affordable rose gold metal straws from Amazon that I suggest for everyone! Jeffree Star cosmetics also have metal straws as well but they are much more expensive!
I have seen straws made from pasta or bamboo. A few days ago I learned about bamboo toothbrushes. I have seen pasta being used as a straw. We must be happy and proud that now there are so many options to choose from.

What is the second hand? Second-hand stores that sell products that are already been used to worn. Do not worry, usually, they will be in a good state and look. I have shopped a few times from second hand. The surprise is that you can find a lot of brand items or trendy fashion clothes for a very low price!
I will be honest, I am not too much of a second-hand person. However, I know some people that do and they discover pretty cool clothing. I see it as a talent sometimes to be able to dig up cute clothing!
Cruelty-free and vegan makeup

A Beginner’s Guide to Eco-Friendly Living is also for beauty lovers. Thankfully, last year more and more brands are going cruelty-free. Cruelty-free makeup means that it is not tested on animals. Vegan makeup means that no animals were harmed or used to create the makeup. For example, non-vegan makeup brands use bugs to create a bloody red tone that not many people know about.
I am not perfect myself and still having some non-cruelty-free items but each time I shop, I prefer cruelty-free makeup products!
Something to pay attention to, if the brand says it is cruelty-free makeup but they make their products in China or ship products to China, it means they are not cruelty-free! China has a law that all makeup must be tested on animals, therefore it can be never cruelty-free if having business with China.
Click here to watch video: Brands that I wish were cruelty-free!
Read HERE A list and review of popular cruelty-free makeup brands
Reusable shopping bags

What is an easier way to help the Earth then always have a reusable shopping bag on you! I am always bringing one with me because I love it a lot better than the usual plastic shopping bag. Reusable shopping bags are easier to carry and they can handle a lot more weight than the plastic bags.
Now the whole internet is full of different cute designs of reusable shopping bags. I am going to insert my designs and maybe some of them are going to catch your attention!
Buy a cute reusable shopping bag HERE (unique design for fashion and coffee lovers).
Use beeswax wrap to store and preserve your food

Something I discovered not a long time ago is a beeswax wrap. Whenever you buy cheese or ham or salami, do not use plastic bags to store them in your fridge, use beeswax wrap instead! It is so easy to use and looks a lot nicer and more organized as well.
Going to search for some for you on Amazon!
Bring your food to work

So easy to say but so difficult to do, but it is not. Plan to have leftovers for your dinner a day before, and prepare the rest of the food to be taken to work. This way you are not going to add more throw-away plastic. Also, will save up money on take-away food, fast food, or going to the restaurant. Last but not least, will cut-back on food waste in your household. The USA has a huge problem with food waste, tons and tons of food waste when there are so many countries that are starved! Invest a little bit of money in a nice Tupperware!
Bamboo toothbrush

Last year I finally got my bamboo toothbrush! What I have understood that to make a huge change, with small effort is to change your daily routine plastic habits to better alternatives. For example, plastic straws, shopping bags, coffee cups, and toothbrushes. These daily products are the ones that usually end up in oceans and forests and make the biggest contamination!
My bamboo toothbrush is from Kemphor (brand in Spain). As always, Amazon is out savior!
Bicycle or walk

Use less private transport. Either use public transport or if there is an option to have a walk to your home and back, or ride a bicycle. A perfect way to stay active, breathe fresh air, and be with yourself and your thoughts. Your body is going to thank you and if you are busy exercising, then this is a great way to be active and not even notice it!
Reusable water bottle

A metal reusable water bottle is the best purchase this year. I bought one from the Ideal of Sweden because I am an affiliate of theirs. The biggest surprise was how cold is the water inside even in 40 degrees! I ordered one for myself and one for my boyfriend.
However, I just became ambassador of Ocean bottle and let me tell you of their mission. They turn the plastic into reusable water bottles. How fantastic is that? So not only you help for a better future, but you kind of fix a small part of mistakes done in the past. I am not going to lie, I am hooked to the design as well. Probably is going to be in my next Christmas Wishlist article!
Buy the ocean bottle and support a good cause!
Buy Ideal of Sweden bottle Here.
Use my code “ID10-BPJ95455” to get 10% off your order (expires 31/08/2020)
Creative and unique designed bottle for fashion lovers
Hopefully, a beginner’s guide to eco-friendly living gave you some insight into how easy it is to help our planet. You can start right now, with things you already have and go from there. Imagine what would happen if each of us would do at least half of this! We need to believe in ourselves because we can do a lot!