20 things I would tell my 20-year-old Self | The Ultimate Life Guide

20 things I would tell my 20-year-old Self! A blog post that is completely different from what I am used to. However, it is because tomorrow I turn 30 years old which for me seems a big thing! I cannot imagine that I will never be in my 20s anymore. However, at the same time, I feel so much better, healthier, happier.

20 things I would tell my 20-year old Self

Being a 20 year old is so confusing, life is confusing, and people around you confuse you even more. Now even politics get involved trying to shape 20-year-olds, not in the best way and the most healthier way! Therefore, I wanted to share with you my TOP 20 tips and life lessons that I would love to tell my 20-year old self! If you are in your 20s, I hope this can help you and make you think about your life a little bit more. Being a 20 year old is so beautiful but your life is only beginning and will get only better!

The only medicine is a healthy lifestyle

What I would tell to 20 year old women?

Even though I am healthier in my 30s- I do more sports, and I think more about what I eat, I have had surgery. Not only that, I have spent some nights in hospitals, I have been drugged by doctors and that ruined my health!
Remember that any pill, medicine, and vaccine you take is a toxin that changes your body, and you never know in which direction. The best medicine that no doctor will advocate for you is an active lifestyle, a balanced diet, good sleep, and less stress.

Do not let anyone tell you what to do with your life

No one has any saying about your life goals, dreams, and what you do with your life. If you are totally off track and your friends or family give advices to get you back on- great! However, if your friends or family try to wash your brains about where you need to live, who to date, or how many kids to have- it is not their life. People are egoists, they love to live other people’s lives and try to change your life so that would aline with their plans! Do not live other people’s dreams!

Be confident- you do not need anyone to feel special

20 things I would tell my 20-year old Self

Be confident about who you are and what you are, and how you look like! There is only one like you, and that is amazing! You do not need a man to feel special or wanted! No one will ever love you as you love yourself!

Love is when he fix things and not hurt you!

Love advice to 20 year old women

What I have discovered in the last 10 years is the true meaning of love. The love is a little egotistical, but it is necessary to know when to leave and not forget to love yourself. True love is loving someone for HOW HE TREATS YOU, period! Therefore, when he starts to treat you like garbage, not care about you, manipulate and hurt you- it is not loving! You do not love him, you might be obsessed with him and love the idea of him but not him! True love does not love someone who hurts you- it is just not what love is! Love is about respect and caring- always!

Have fun, but not as much! 🙂

How to survive 20ies?

I would not say that I was crazily having fun when I was in my 20s. The only time when I did was In Erasmus and after University. I would suggest everyone have fun in their 20s while they are single. However, remember always to be responsible about your actions, be careful and at the same time think about your health!

Save up the money!

Everything you need to know about finances, money and career

No one in your 20s tells you to save up money or work on your future. Everyone is so concerned for you to have kids and find a boyfriend. Really? In the 20s, when most of us are still like kids in our head, and brain only develops until we are 25. People should want to teach kids to be independent and work hard for their dreams!

Work on your dreams and future career

20 things I would tell my 20-year old Self

Continuing the same topic- work on your dreams and future career. I do wish that I would have started to learn more about blogging and take it seriously in my 20s. However, it has always been cool to work 9 to 5 hours work and not think about anything else. I would suggest you all spend weekends or afternoons working on your dream career or business.

Diversify income

How to diversify your income?

Another career-related tip- diversify your income. The smartest financial move you can ever do is to make sure your incomes come in from different streams. Diversifying incomes will make sure you will never be on the street.

Friends come and go!

The hardest thing I have needed to experience is that friends come and go. I have had an experience that I do whatever my friend wants, and at the moment I tell her No once, she deletes me from her life immediately. Remember that true friend are with you at your worst moments not when it is all fun and games. Some people are not meant to be friends with anyone!

Fix your teeth!

20 things I would tell my 20-year old Self

Fixing teeth is a personal thing that I regret not doing when I was younger. I have tried fixing teeth, but they came back to as they were. Therefore, yes, I wish I would have fixed them! Parents, fix your children’s teeth when they are small!

Do not kiss toads- you are better

what you should do and not do in your twenties?

I thought the kissing toads phrase is funny. Yes, I kissed too many toads that did not deserve it! I do not regret it because it shaped me into who I am. As well as some of them are fat now and others are stuck with their toxic mama type of woman while I am thriving!

Stand up for yourself

What I would tell yo my 20 year old me?

Always stand up for yourself. Do not be afraid to tell people No without explaining yourself! No one is going to protect you and care about you as you will!

Be confident in your skin

How to be confident?

Girl, be confident, feel proud, and beautiful! You do not need to look like fake IG girls and do not need to act like them to prove to someone that you are beautiful! You are worth to feel beautiful and also- your looks do not describe you!

Sports is for health, not the body, and looks

How to motivate yourself to stay active?

The best motivation for me that has ever worked to stay active for years is seeing sports as medicine and not a diet pill. Especially if you have some health condition that does not let you lose weight easily. I have PCOS, my story I shared on Youtube, and it was hard to lose weight and always has been!

Delete toxic people

Delete toxic people from your life

The most important part for your health- especially mental health- is to delete toxic people from your life. Yes, even family members. You are not a kid anymore, you are creating your personality, and deleting toxic people from your life is part of it.

Life is short- live it fully!

Live life on your fullest

Even though I am talking about the future, career, and money, you still must live your life fully. Do not worry about small and unimportant things like toxic men, being single, or how your body looks. You are in your best, young years- enjoy it as you are and learn to be independent!

Enjoy being single and create an identity

Things to do when you are single?

I guess, enjoy being single can be also linked with living your life fully! If you have a great partner, do not leave him now! However, if you are single do not worry and do not waste time searching for someone. I know that this sounds old, but I promise you- you will find someone when you are ready! Spend time working on your personality and identity, analyze yourself and what your values are.

Stop saying sorry

20 things I would tell my 20-year old Self

Do not say sorry! We, especially women, always think we are guilty and feel sorry nonstop! Do not feel sorry except if you hurt someone and did something bad!

Start blogging with what you have and stick to it!

20 things I would tell my 20-year old Self

Something I would tell myself is to be proud of my dreams, do not be afraid to tell everyone, and work on them! Does not matter you have a bad camera or not knowing anything, start blogging!

Love does come when you least expect it- they were right

How to find real love?

Last but not least, I wanted to end on a positive note. Love will come when you least expect it- BELIEVE ME! You think you know when you are ready or when it will come, but you never do! They were right the whole time!

20 things I would tell my 20-year-old Self! What things would you tell your 20-year-old self? If you are in your 20s, did this blog post help you and give you some inspiration? If so, follow my blog because I will share also more fashion tips for young women. As well as bring you into a cruelty-free world!

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