10 things to be happy about and what to do to be happy

Present days are so much faster, advanced and more stressful than life used to be. Problems with work, money, relationships, car or house can bring us down, make us sick, even suicidal and depressive.

Life is so much more advanced technology and money wise, which brings us more further spiritually. That can bring us angry, mad and even aggressive about things we cannot control, and sometimes about things which we do not even want (but society tells us otherwise). About society norms I would love to talk another time.

You go home, to your quiet home because no one is waiting you there, you had rough day at work and parents called you to ask when you are going to have a better job, wife, dog and 3 kids?! Or maybe, landlord decided to kick you out of apartment, you lost your job and found out that boyfriend cheated on you? All of that in one day? Oh do not say that is not possible, because I know! I can laugh now, but I was not laughing back then.

How are we supposed to be happy and find happiness in moments like these? It can be difficult but not impossible. I made a list about things that should make you happy but we use to forget about these things. I will try to not be too cheesy, and be more unique with my thoughts but few are pretty obvious that we still forget


This is one of the most obvious ones which many does not understand importance to. I used to say that family or love is the most important to make us happy, until I got very sick and had to spend 3 days in hospital around Christmas time. Now I am thankful about every day that I can spend on this Earth and feel no pain, feelings great and can run and jump and travel and smile and be very happy!

Imagine yourself in hospital, or maybe in bed all the time or whatever the health condition can be. How would you enjoy your family or partner (love) with a bad health or no health? You would be sad anyways, they would be sad, not really a lot to do. That is why- health, number one– no question for this one! Get good health and then you will be happy and appreciate other things in life.

If you do have problems with health, think what cause that? What can you do! Maybe you need to spend more time in fresh air, have long walks or go dancing or do other type of sports. That will also help if the reason is stress. Maybe you need to sleep more, eat more healthy?

2. Good people around you

Good people. People that will not hurt you, lie to you and will be there for you to protect you or help you. People like that are very rare nowadays and we need to guard them and appreciate them. I did not call it as family or partner because “good people” unfortunately does not mean it will be your family or partner.

Too many times we hear about violence and manipulation in family or relationships. Family is only blood, that you cannot change or control. Unfortunately that does not mean they will treat you like one. If some family member treat you very bad in any way, you have rights to leave this person or get that person out of your life. You do not need to forgive every time and keep suffering only because that person is your family. Your “real” family would never hurt you. Some people call their friends as family. Family means love, respect and empathy. If someone treats you bad- leave! And think about person who is always there for you! Sometimes we just do not notice them! Maybe some old friend you always have no time to call to, your cousin that moved to another city or someone else?

3. Water and food

I wanted to exclude section about “food” but then I remembered about water and had to include this. Food and water both are important to live- as we know. Food though is very large spectrum, we have fruits, vegetables, meat, fishes that we can eat. If we are really poor or on lonely island, we can try to eat some leaves or bugs (even how gross that would be). But what do we do when we do not have water? Nothing.

In this world, especially Africa, there are many countries that does not have enough water, people die and have not showered for years, they are happy for every drop that can get. So next time you take that bottle of water, think about them and how lucky you are, and how happy you can be.

If we return back to food. I would want to narrow it down to the- fresh food. Nowadays, industry and cooperations are interested for you to buy very low quality food for very expensive price. For you to not be able to have your own garden and a greenhouse. Chickens are filled with hormones, vegetables are full with dangerous chemicals, some food even filled with plastic and all the horrible stuff that we do not even know about.

So if you have opportunity to have a garden, or support your neighbour or small farm by buying vegetables and meat from them- do so! Your body and mind will be thankful.

4. Passion (sports, art, dance…)

Passion- what is life without a passion!? Passion to life, to hobby or things you love to do. Many do passion for living, such as art or sports and I think they are the happiest people alive. But it is not always possible or sometimes it takes a long time to go there.

I used to do office job or sometimes jobs that did not make me happy. And that is okay, many do that and it happens. The office job had great environment and great colleagues, but it was still an office job from 8-17 every single day. Paper work. dead lines and the same procedures over and over again. Then I would come home, tired and bored at the same time, without energy and motivation to do anything. Mostly I spent the evening eating and watching television.

Now I have my passion which is photography, blog and youtube videos and, well, I do not have money and job. Life loves to play games, doesn’t it?! But I am happy every day, I wake up happy, I love Mondays and I feel so great. If I would have discovered my passion earlier, I would have something to hold onto and wait for in the evenings. Working hours would not seem so awful and horrible and mostly- I would know that something what I love is waiting for me- My passion! Maybe even I would have felt more motivated because of the money I used to earn and I need now for advancing my passion but that I do not have now.

I know people who do not love their work, or some days are very hectic for them but they go home knowing that they will do their hobby and passion what they love. Either it is sports or dancing. The passion can really give energy, motivation and boost your happiness level very high!

Life is not about money or work, it is about things and people you love!

5. Peace

Do you live in a war zone? Do you hear guns shooting, tanks driving and bombs blowing up? Do you need to be afraid that anytime someone can come and take you to Siberia or put you in gas camera? NO? Then that is something to be very happy about.

Maybe you live in a zone where climate catastrophes happens a lot- flood, tornados and people lose their houses? Also not? Many does, and they do not know which moment there will be no house to live in. So peace, living in peace can be very important detail that we do not think about when thinking about happiness. Because we are used to it.

I will never understand how my parents and grandparents were living in Soviet union with all the lies, manipulation, aggression, dead people, tanks and guns and all the fear every single day. Every single day people in Soviet union did not know if they are going to be called to KGB (and what for and if they are going to return alive), if they will not be sent to Siberia in those narrow animal trains where many died.

6. Place to live

This leads us to the place to live. Another topic that I wanted to exclude because it seems very obvious but I wanted to include this because how many of you have been ashamed of the place you live at? How many are ashamed to invite friends over because it is old or ugly? How many of you think about all the pretty and expensive villas you would love to live in? And that is good, dreaming is not bad if we do something and work hard to reach these dreams.

But now let’s think about how many people and children of the world does not have house at all? They do not have roof, or doors to open and walls to protect them. Does not seem so obvious now, doesn’t it?

Be happy about your holes in a wall, old bed and cold floors- they still protect you!

7. Intelligence and knowledge

Intelligence, IQ and smart mind can seem meaningless but I would say it is rare. Everyone who knows how to talk, act and have read a lot of books and has a knowledge about anything or talent can be happy and very proud. Do not be ashamed, be proud of what you are capable to do and knowledge you have. I have never known what my talent is and if I have one, that is why- that is something to be happy about.

I think in present time people do get less intelligent and smart, so if you have this ability and love to learn about things and know how to talk and state opinion and have an opinion- it will help you in life, in your career and even personal life. Learn how to use it!

8. Freedom and freedom of Speech

In Latvia we have this saying: better run bare feet on free land (our land), than in shoes in occupied country!

If you are not kidnapped (haha, K.), in the jail or just your country is free- you can go whenever you want and do whatever you want, isn’t that a great feeling? You can sing or speak whatever you want and no one can prohibit you that (well maybe only scream at you to be quiet, but well…).

Freedom and freedom of speech is something we take for granted. That is one reason why I do not support modern feminism. I do not see a problem! I can do what I want, travel where I want to travel, work or rest, have children or not- everything is my choice! You get small salary? Change the work, talk with your boss or work harder! You are bored? Go for adventure and travel! You want Chanel bag or a car? Go work and earn money! Men do not respect you or your partner treats you bad? Well kick them in the face and leave! You have options! Isn’t that a great feeling to have options?! Makes me so happy, and you?

9. Nature and animals

There are people that are scared or do not like animals. And that is okay! Not talking with you now. Joking. Many of these people fall in love with animals when they give them a chance or when they do not have a chance (like my boyfriend because I came with a baggage- my bunny). Animals, though, are very good for happiness and health. They are used for therapies and are so funny that will bring a smile to even coldhearted person.

Nature is underestimated for so many of us. Especially big city lovers that scream and want to kill every spider and bee they see and get easier scared of wind or sand. You can disagree but I am sure that we would have less problems if people would worship nature rather than God, if would feel respect and empathy towards nature. Nature has strength and power- remember the climate catastrophes we talked about? Exactly. This is the God we need to worship, the God we need to visit to talk about sins and ask for an advice.

TIP! If you are feeling down, you have bad moment in life or you feel confused and unhappy, try to go to the lake, forest or beach. It is important that it would be quiet there and no people. Sit there, close your eyes and listen to the wind, birds, waves and trees. Just do it, I promise- it will change your life! Thank me later! From experience, it is so easy to get depressed, sad and crying for days in your room or apartment, but in nature that all just fades away!

10. (EMPTY)

I left this spot empty for you to think about what makes YOU happy!? It can be as small thing as pancakes in the morning, a morning kiss, message from a dear friend and go to as big as being alive, having an air to breath or living in a city you love!

Whatever it is, everyday find a reason to wake up, smile, get out of bed and be happy ! There is a reason and things to be happy about, I promise you. No matter how hard it is for you! You just need to open your soul, mind and heart rather than eyes to notice that!

Be happy and have an amazing day!

Discussion. What makes you happy, what you do to be happy?

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