10 things to be thankful for in life

I know that the last three years have been sad for many people. However, personally, it has been the best year for me and my growth. I want to share 10 things to be thankful for in life (and that I am thankful for). Not to brag or show how good a year it has been for me, but for you to reflect and find 10 things you are thankful for in life.

However, I am also inviting you to look into the future and start making the year 2023 the best year of your life. No matter what will happen in 2023, big, world-broad problems we cannot change. However, it all depends on how we use them in our advances and how we look at things.

I have always said that stress is like a magnet for all sicknesses- mental and physical. If you do not want to catch any virus, stress less, and be the boss of your life!

10 things to be thankful for in life. I am listing things I am thankful for. It will help you reflect and find things to be thankful for when life is rough!


First and most important is good health! I am not saying that only because of the pandemic. Many years ago, I spent a lot of time with doctors and even a the hospital. That made me realise that we cannot appreciate life, family, or friends without good health. Therefore, healthy is only first before family and love.

Travelling and campings

2020 gratitude list

2020 will be known as a year with fewer travels and trips done worldwide. However, I managed to discover new cities in Spain and go camping in France in the last three years. I am very thankful and happy that I could fulfil my urge for travel and adventure.

Good people around me

My heart breaks for all the people out there who suffered domestic abuse in their households. In the spring of 2020, we had a hardcore lockdown for two months straight, which means all day locked in with my partner. However, I feel like it brought us even closer together. We had to use our fantasy to think about hobbies, games, and activities to do together. I was thankful for having a non-toxic partner and had domestic violence victims in my mind the whole time. If you are experiencing abuse and need someone to talk with, you can always write to me (My IG: @glambutfirstcoffee).

My pet is still alive

Being thankful in 2020

For those who did not know, I have a bunny pet who is 4.5 years old! Some three months ago, she started to bleed, and we needed to search for an emergency vet (it was night). It turns out she had a tumour that needed to be operated on right away! It is what we did, I spent my savings, and thankfully, everything turned out great. Therefore, I am happy that I can still snuggle my bunny!

New connections

The year 2020 for me started to help for a little while Global girl Community in writing their blog. The experience helped me with my business, as well as meeting new women! I am very thankful for all the women I met this year, and I hope I can meet them one day in real life. In 2022, I started a new work experience as a Social Media manager (if you need my help, contact me, I am searching for a new client).

Blogger events and Invites

top 10 reasons I am thankful for 2020

The same goes for events and invites I received during the last year. I am so happy to be able to collect experiences and knowledge still! In 2022, I went to beauty exhibition in Barcelona and it was amazing experience.

New starts and launches

10 things to be thankful for in life. I am listing things I am thankful for. It will help you reflect and find things to be thankful for when life is rough!

As I mentioned before, one of the 10 things I am thankful for in 2020 is my business growth! Firstly, I finally got the courage to start my blog professionally and buy a domain.

Secondly, during the summer, I joined the Rewardstyle affiliate program and got accepted. Rewardstyle helps to share a lot of fashion finds and sales with you. If you are interested in Rewardstyle, you can learn about it here.

Last but not least, I started my merch. I needed something to let my creativity flow, and merch came to my mind! Valentine’s Day and Easter launches are coming out right now! Follow and check out here.

Sports and activities

What I should be thankful for in 2020

Talking about activities, I am more proud of myself to keep going even during the lockdown and not giving up. However, the reason that helped me and motivated me a lot is my Zumba instructor that let me participate in her live online training! Therefore, I would say I am thankful to her!

FOOD! And wine!

What to be thankful for?

Who does not love good food? I am thankful that in 2020 I could continue to eat all my favourite food, discover new places, and all the wine I drank! Cheers!

Smiles and laughs

10 things to be thankful for in life. I am listing things I am thankful for. It will help you reflect and find things to be thankful for when life is rough!

Like the last one, I wanted to mention in general- thankful for all the happy days! Grateful for all the smiles and laughs I had the past year!

These were the 10 things I am thankful for in life. What you were grateful for in life or 2023? Remember, less stress and more smiles! If you want to make 2023 your bomb year, follow my social media. I am motivating women to stay active, follow their dreams, and dress elegantly!

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