10 reasons to visit Spain

Some of you may know that I have been living in Spain for a year and a half. I am originally from Latvia and moved to Spain due to personal circumstances (blink). I have travelled around almost all regions of Spain (Extremadura, Andalusia, Catalunya, Aragon…) and have seen, experienced and talked to a lot of people!

I will tell you this: these are the reasons why to visit Spain not why to live in Spain! I know that everyone thinks I am living a cotton candy life, sunbathing every day, drinking cocktails and chilling! I know people want to move from the UK to Spain because they think everyone here having fiestas and siestas and all is lovely! Hell no!

Just a month ago it felt like there will be civil war! Radical- feminism is so high in here that they make me feel bad of loving my man and wanting to feel like a woman! It is difficult to try to find work and my feet are freezing for real, right now! So especially for my fellow Latvian- no, Latvia is not the only country with bad decisions, expensive dentists, corruption and criminals!

As I got that one out of my way, now we can pay attention to things I love about Spain and why it is an amazing country to visit during your next vacations!


Talking about fun titles… FOOD! We all love food no matter if we eat like Vikings or like vegans but we love food! First time visiting Spain (only a few months before I moved here) was a positively shocking experience. I knew about wine, bread, meat and some traditional products they eat and drink but I feel like Spain has such a strong, big and diverse food culture that I am still up to this day discovering something new every day!

First Estrella Galicia I had!

Interesting drink combinations like wine and Coca-cola or wine and Sprite (which tastes amazing!), way better than Sangria- trust me and try it out! Did you think that Spanish drink el vino (wine) all the time and have no word for beer in their vocabulary? That is very far from reality. They have actually pretty wide beer culture. I will say- the quality is not as good as in Latvia or Germany but there are few very good beer companies and people here drink beer whenever on break or hanging out! I have been to blogger beauty events where I am used to champagne and wine but the first thing you see is beer! It is shocking!

So food. Spanish love their bread and in restaurants, you will get bread with any food you order. Spain has very good quality meat, especially in Extremadura (Jamon) and goat cheese is very popular in here (if you are a cheese person as I am!


From the dishes, my favourites are: Bacalao dorado (which is actually Portuguese but very common around Portuguese border in Extremadura). It is a fish with egg and potatoes. I am not fun of Gazpacho (tomato soup) but I really like Salmorejo. Paella- I am loving paella! You can choose either with seafood, meat or mixed. Paella is very popular in Valencia! And our favourite ever is fried octopus (but the little one called puntillas). They are so tasty and usually for a lower price.

You can also be surprised by the menu options in restaurants. Almost every restaurant has a menu option where you can choose 2 or 3 meals, and in price will come also a bottle of water and wine!

One thing I suggest to you. Find the nearest Wok you have! Yes, it is an Asian restaurant but for one price you can eat as much as you can (buffet) and there are many local food options as well not only Asian kitchen!


But for breakfast- churros!

Sun, sun sun…

I think there is no need for more commentary right? We all know that Spain has more sun than most of the countries and that is a good reason why so many people go to Spain especially in winter months. We all need that vitamin D. In South and Valencia regions are more sun and warmer, logically because of Galicia, for example. is not really sunny and is known as the greenest part of Spain because of the rain.

Weather is the reason why so many come to Spain! You can escape winter without going to Thailand or Philipines!

Mountains? Beaches? Forests?

Spain is a very big country (4th ranking in Europe by area) and because of that, it has a lot to offer. If you are a person who loves winter sports or hiking, climbing and just spending time 2000 metres above the sea, you can go to the mountains (the Sierra Nevada or the Pyrenees). I am not obsessed with mountains because I am afraid from all kind of height and my body does not adjust too good but at the same time, little mountain villages and the view is the most precious thing I have ever seen. So much that if I have to choose to spend week-end in the mountains or on the beach- I can not choose!

Talking about the beach. Everyone associates Spain with beaches. So if you come for that sun, you most likely come for the beach as well! I would suggest beaches near Malaga, Barcelona or Valencia! Never choose the beaches in the city! They are crowded, dirty, dangerous and expensive and just not worth it!

Flamenco, bulls…

Not only Flamenco which is the most popular dance/ music known in Spain but dancing and singing, in general, is very popular in Spain. You can notice that by many theatres and opera houses around the country! I have noticed that Malaga has a big Flamenco influence and heard there are also big shows in Sevilla (have never been to Sevilla).

Traditions are very strong in Spain and some does start a lot of controversies which I am not supporting as well, especially after I saw that in real life. Passionate nation, with passionate traditions!

What I wanted to say with this point is that Spain is full of culture and traditions and if you are interested in seeing and experiencing all that, you will have a lot to see!

History and architecture

Maybe Spain does not have so sad and horrific history as Latvia has for examples (except Civil war and few other sad periods), but it has a big history and also a lot of witnesses as a result of that!

Architecture is so diverse and beautiful in Spain. All the monuments, monasteries, castles and churches. I could keep going more and more and it would never end! The most exciting ones for me were: Alhambra in Granada, Gaudi beautiful art in Barcelona, cathedral of Zaragoza which is one of the biggest ones in Spain and so many others cathedrals, castles, bridges…

You will definitely notice a huge Arabic influence in Spain.

I want to fly away…

One good reason why many choose Spain is that there are many charters to Spain (usually) and it is not difficult to find affordable and budget-friendly options! I can suggest searching for flights to Girona or Malaga– not popular airport destinations that people search for but many affordable flights go to these cities!

Hello clothes, bye money!

Shopping! Who does not like shopping. If you ever go to Spain, try to find out which days they have flea markets because you must experience them. Also, the market does not mean bad quality here in Spain! I have found and seen so good quality shoes, clothing and homeware!

If you want to come here for discounts, then globally around the whole country there are usually discounts in July and January! That is what I have noticed! I have heard that near Barcelona and Madrid there are big outlet shopping malls (which are like towns). I once went to one in Roma and that was incredible! If you have that money- go for it!


Well, because of palm trees. I do not need any other reason! I still get happy whenever I see a palm tree. Palm trees are my happy place! That is all I can say about it, let’s keep going!

Sport is another religion

If you are any sports fanatic, you will find your people here in Spain! There will definitely be some kind of competition when you come here! Either it will be marathon, triathlon, basketball or football- there must be some! I never knew I will be with someone who does triathlon so passionately, but here we are! I also was not expecting to be so happy about cycling and jogging as I am right now but seeing all the people talk about sports, doing sports and shopping sports and everything sports! It is like a religion here, and I think that is the only God I believe in!


Well, yes! Last but not least, why not? Can you tell me one reason? I cannot because of any negative reason I could find, we can also see in any other European country!

I hope you enjoyed another travel related blog. Have you been to Spain or planning to come here? Tell me of your experience!

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