10 facts about animal testing and cruelty-free. Some of you might know that a few weeks ago I watched the video of #SaveRalph campaign and it completely changed my life and view on cosmetics. Since that moment, I am converting into a cruelty-free blogger and person, while sharing my journey with you and inviting you to join me.

However, I realized there are a lot of confusions, misconceptions, and interesting facts that we must know about animal testing and cruelty-free beauty. Some of these facts are casual, but some very disturbing. I want to create a nice movement of my followers converting into cruelty-free with me and have a safe place to discuss the topic and ask questions. Therefore, please comment down below any questions or doubts you have. Follow my blog, social media, and Youtube because I am sharing a lot of information and products on those platforms as well! Enjoy the read and let’s change the world because everything starts within yourself, your actions, and your example. What are the most important 10 facts about animal testing and cruelty-free?
What are cruelty-free beauty and cosmetics?

The term “cruelty-free” means brands that do not test on animals, and their products and ingredients are not tested on animals by the company themselves or commissioned to a third party on their behalf, including when required by law.
Is testing on animals reliable?

Do you want a short and honest answer? No. There are many other testing options, like actual humans and computers and new techniques which are way more reliable.
Is animal testing cruel and why?

Animal testing is very cruel because animals are kept in very small cages and places. Then they get tested for horrible ingredients either by rubbing them in their skin or their eyes (the most sensitive parts of the body). Then they are being kept like that for a long time, while their skin burns, they turn blind and suffer from so many problems. What happens at the end? They kill animals when testing ends which also happens horribly!
Why some “cruelty-free” brands are not fully cruelty-free?

Many brands still keep lying about being cruelty-free only because they do not test on animals themself. However, Imagine if I would call myself not being cruel to my bunny, while I take my bunny to the person who I know is going to torture the bunny. I would still be responsible, right? That is what happens with these brands because they want all the millions and send their products to China. However, in China, it is required by law to test on animals! By sending their products to China, they sponsor China and support animal cruelty.
Big corporations own cruelty-free brands

Another interesting fact we must think about is all the big corporations, like L’oreal that own cruelty-free brands! However, they are not cruelty-free. In my opinion, again it is only about money to get money from both sides. Therefore, should we support brands like NYX that are owned by L’oreal? I have decided that I will try to keep away from these brands but will not promise that I am never buying from them. However, there are so many brands that are 100% cruelty-free, so we should support them.
How many animals are used in testing?

More than 100 million animals are exploited in testing every year. Do you think cosmetics are being tested only on rats, bunnies, and mice? These brands test also on dogs and cats. 20% of animals for testing in the USA are monkeys, cats, and dogs. Additionally, U.S. labs exploit a lot of guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, pigs, and sheep. The worst part is that rats and mice are not considered animals, therefore, labs do not need to count them. The United States doesn’t label farm animals (also bunnies), rats, reptiles, fish, or birds as animals. How is this possible. Who are they then?
What they do with an animal after tests are over?

When labs are done with testing, animals are gassed, decapitated, shot, or electrocuted! Can you imagine how evil people in labs must be? It is sadistic and cruel to get rid of the animal after did so much for humans. Not only that, but the way it is done for me seems so cruel! Why do you need to electrocute them or use gas like Nazis? In my opinion, these labs are made for cruel people to torture animals!
Who is the favorite species of animals for scientists?

Everyone is putting scientists in the place of God, especially after 2020. I only see scientists that are paid to tell whatever information politicians need and were paid for lies. Not only that, turns out these scientists do not care nor about human nor animal lives! Scientists are so horrible that they choose the most trusting animal for testing, like dogs. They especially love beagles and labradors because they are the most friendly and fight against painful and invasive procedures. No animal testing law would protect dogs. Dogs that are used in experiments can legally live in a cage their entire lives!
Was aspirin ever tested?

Aspirin wouldn’t pass a majority of animal tests and was never tested on animals. Internet says aspirin is completely safe for humans, but in Europe, we do not trust aspirin! However, for dogs it is semi-toxic, but for cats, it is completely toxic. Here I would like to talk about a few problems that I see from my perspective. First, brands that test on animals, in many cases, have the most horrible ingredients that can cause long-term health problems. Many non-cruelty-free brands have aluminum, cancer-related ingredients, petroleum, and many more used I their products.
Another fact that I know from experience, bunnies are so different from humans. Bunnies are sensitive to noises, essential oils, strong scents, many medicaments, and stress. While I can use all of these products and things, so how this makes sense? I can not imagine using L’oreal cream or lipstick on her precious skin- it would kill her!
Where to sign a petition against animal testing?

The only fastest way to stop testing on animals is boycotting brands that test on animals or sponsor China law. Where to sign the petition? On the Humane society international page by clicking here.
This is everything for 10 facts about animal testing and cruelty-free. Are you cruelty-free or planning to turn yourself into cruelty-free? Which of these facts and misconceptions was shocking for you? Feel free to comment down below any questions or opinions that you have!
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